Chapter Forty - Sam

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The bolt hit true and so did Josh's Arrow dropping the two zombies to the floor, the world fell silent again, only the sound of the wind and birds remained, we approached the car cautiously still not talking just in case there was a third zombie.

I noticed the words painted on the car and wondered what happened to whoever was in the car, but as we got closer it was quite clear what had happened, the colony had shot them letting them turn and a third person was tied up in the car, half their arm eaten and now snapping and growling as it saw us just like her dead friends, but left restrained in place by the ropes holding it.

I stabbed my knife into its head and it silenced the zombie, blood and black bile smeared all over the back seat, blood hand prints littered the interior but the keys were in the ignition.

"it's a car" I said covering my muzzle with my paw from the stench as josh went for the drivers seat equally appalled by the smell, "it fucking stinks Sam, but yeah it's a car" he grabbed the keys and turned the ignition

The car starter turned over but it refused to start, "there's no fuel" Josh said pointing to the dial and stepping out.

I walked around the side looking at scattered clothes and a pipe sticking out the fuel filler cap.

"well someone's had it then I guess"

"maybe the colony" Josh said

"come on lets leave it" I pulled his arm, not wanting to stay near the stench of death any longer, "focus on getting a car this don't mean anything"

Josh nodded and followed me further up the road until we finally came to the driveway of a large house, its once immaculate lawns now starting to show signs of nature taking over, the house itself a large stone house with an attached double garage.

"you think anyone's home" I asked looking at Josh.

"we should look around first, can you not hear anything"

I listened closely but I couldn't hear anyone, perhaps they were hiding inside.

Josh and I approached the front door cautiously, two conifer trees in stone pots stood outside the large red door, I reached for the handle and it pushed open "hello" I shouted inside but the stale smell suggested no-one was home.

Walking inside the door opened to a hallway, a wooden table on the side with a small draw on which I opened instinctively, "keys" I smiled at josh handing him a land rover key, I recognised the green oval instantly.

On the left of the hallway was the kitchen which had been ransacked, the doors all open and nothing inside them, the fridge doors open with questionable food items no longer resembling their former selves, now just a pile of mold and fur along with a putrid smell remained.

I gagged at the smell, it burnt my nostrils it was that strong.

"come on lets get out of here" josh said, "there's a fob on here for the garage so I bet one of these keys fit"

The garage had a large wooden door with a padlock placed on the front, Josh ran upto it and tried the keys in turn "aha" he exclaimed flinging the wooden doors open to reveal a new Landrover discovery.

"please have fuel" I said crossing my fingers as josh unlocked the car with the key fob.

It was a red discovery with white leather interior, it was immaculately clean and probably never spent a day of its life off road despite its capability, more than likely it did the school run.

As josh turned the key the car came to life and the fuel gauge showed two thirds full, I kissed him on the cheek closing the door behind me, finally luck was on our side.

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