Chapter Thirty-three - Sam

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I'd been such an idiot

I held Josh close, kissing his soft lips, our tongues met and I was lost momentarily, far from all my worries about zombies or when I'd next eat, none of that mattered right now.

"what are we going to do Josh?" I finally asked realising we were stood out in the yard, in the open, vulnerable to our new world.

He wiped his eyes again, "the Sanctuary had power" he said quietly as I pulled away giving him a surprised look "no, I don't mean go back there, I mean solar power, we need to find somewhere with panels"

I was relieved but I understood what he meant

"make our own place, like the farm but more secure, and with water and food we can either grow or hunt so were self-sufficient, I don't want to have to supply run and encounter the gangs" Josh added

"what gangs?" I asked

"well I don't know if it's true, but Ricky said there were gangs out there, and we would either die or starve, it should just be us Sam, we can survive together, we don't need anyone else"

"ok, lets go back to the farm and get the truck, we can make a plan from there"

"I've got an idea" josh said with a sudden enthusiasm, pulling his phone from his pocket

"google maps satellite view" he said as if I was somehow able to read his mind, "solar panels, we can see them on the map"

It was ingenious, we could look for a water source nearby, and a forest for wild food, my tail wagged in excitement, this was the best idea ever.

"wait we should plan this back at the house, we need to get away from the open, just in case"

"yeah you're right" Josh said noticing me looking back at the house I grew up in, where I'd left them.

"what's wrong Sam" he asked

"my phones in the house" I said looking up to my bedroom window "there's loads of photos and videos on there, and if we do get power" I trailed off, I knew I couldn't enter the house though, I couldn't see those faces again, I had to remember them as they were.

"I could get it" Josh said almost reading my mind "I fetched these" he pulled at the hoodie, "just tell me where it is"

"you sure?" I asked, knowing what it looked like in there

"yeah" he nodded "just tell me where it is"

"it should be on my bedside table still plugged in, I guess you know which rooms mine if you found the clothes"

"yeah, I'll find it"

"and grab some more of my clothes too please" I shouted as he was already heading into the house.

I nervously waited for Josh to reappear, tracing how long it would take him in my head to walk to my room, I didn't want him to spend any longer than he had to in that house.

Meanwhile I surveyed the surrounding area looking for zombies, wherever we found our new safe house it needed to be out the way, away from zombies like our current safe house.

Josh re-appeared with my phone in his hand, charging cable too "here" he said as I put the cable in my bag, I tried the phone, but it didn't turn on

"Thanks Josh"

He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek "I've stuffed loads of clothes into my bag too"

"come on let's get back to the house and get some food"

Almost on cue his stomach growled, as we set off down the road back to Janice's farm

I felt his soft hand grab my paw our fingers intertwined as Josh smiled at me "I wouldn't dare hold a guys hand walking down the street before all this" he looked out over the fields, he was right being gay was supposed to be OK, but you couldn't so much as share a kiss with a guy or hold their hand in public just as a straight couple would, that was if you didn't want people staring at you, passing comments, or even shouting abuse.

And me and Josh a fur and human was even harder for society to accept, we can't help who we fall in love with right?

"we're free to do what we like now" I said rubbing my thumb on his hand as we wandered down the road, almost without a care in the world.

The farm still looked secure, the pickup still nestled in the barn awaiting us, the front door still locked.

Unlocking the door, I urged Josh inside closing the door behind us, we were safe again.

The darkness of the house was somewhat depressing while also comforting at the same time, it was secure, they couldn't get in.

Josh and I rummaged through our supplies and made a vegetable and bean concoction I cooked on the fire, utilising the matches I obtained to relight it.

It was time to plan our next move.

We sat on the sofa, close to one another as Josh pulled his phone out opening google maps up, the display said error for a GPS signal, but I knew where we was and the map was already thankfully loaded.

"ok so here's a river if we follow that lets see what we have" Josh pointed at the screen scrolling around the pin he placed into the map

There were a few properties we saw with clear solar panels on the roof, but they were next to a main road, that would be no good, someone would either already be there or would find us as they travelled along the road.

We needed somewhere down a dead end, road, somewhere no one would travel.

Scouting around as the phone flashed up a low battery warning we found a place, its roof covered in solar panels, down a green lane with a small stream nearby and woodland close by.

"this is the place" we both shouted quickly scrolling to find the best way there, "about 30 minutes in the car I reckon" Josh said planning the route there grabbing a pencil and scrap bit of paper jotting down notes.

The phone finally gave up its battery as we looked for other alternatives just in case, but this was all we had.

"when shall we leave" Josh asked looking at me

"we need tools and firewood, we should load up the pickup with as much as we can and then go, we should have plenty of daylight today if we crack on with it" I smiled at him standing up wondering what to do first.

We both spent the remainder of the morning filling the pick up with supplies, the back was laden with wood and toolboxes full of equipment, Josh even packed the boards we used for the windows, just in case there wasn't wood there to replicate our safehouse.

I shoved some blankets and quilts into the back seats along with our bags stuffed with what supplies we had remaining

"this is it then I guess" I said looking at Josh who was running through his list of items to bring

"yeah" he said

"you had better drive Josh; I don't have the best history with this" I smiled at him nervously

"sure" he said holding me close planting a kiss on my forehead "were going to be fine, we will take it slow and keep a look out ok"

"ok" I nodded jumping into the passenger seat.

Josh fiddled with the wires, touching them each together until he finally found the right ones which burst the truck into life.

He put the truck into gear, and we were off...

Furzombie - a gay furry zombie apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now