Chapter Thirty - Sam

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Going toward the valley was probably the wrong idea, I passed a small cottage on my right overlooking a field but it had already been ransacked, I continued a bit further down but the light was starting to give up, I contemplated going back to the cottage but I saw a truck off in the distance.

It was an American style truck just discarded in a field, with a sleeper cab on the back, I went over to investigate, hopeful it might be unlocked.

It had obviously not been on the road for many years, someone had bought it as some crazy hobby, or to perhaps use it on the road one day but neglected it ever since, its once teal colours now covered in green moss and brown dirt, an ivy weaved its way around the majority of the other side of the truck.

This made it pretty disguised from the other side, with only the passenger door being accessible thanks to the ivy.

I pulled the door handle and the door squeaked open, the cab was dry but smelt of stale air, some paper work littered the cab and the seats threw out dust particles as I patted them

Behind the seats was a tiny kitchen, a portaloo and a long bench across the back where the long distance truck driver might have slept when this truck actually used to move.

I crawled inside closing the door behind me, the door had a manual locking pin on it which I pressed down.

The windows were so filthy I couldn't see out of the truck and it was dark, but this was good, it also meant no one could see in.

I climbed into the back resting my cross bow ready to shoot anyone who tried to get in.

Rustling through my backpack I found the Nutella, I had to dig harder for a spoon but something else was missing.

I panicked emptying everything I had but it wasn't there, a flashback to when I'd shown josh the picture reminded me I put it in the side pocket of his backpack... the picture of my family.

It was all I had left, I had to go back and get something else.

I had to enter that house of horror again just so I could see them as people again, I needed to see them as people again before I went to sleep... I didn't want the nightmares.

My stomach growled impatiently as I had teased it with the Nutella, I spooned it into my muzzle, crying as I did so.

It reminded me of Josh

I missed Josh

What had I done, I shouldn't have left him

Fuck off Sam, he will be eating beef burgers and chips right now, sat cuddling with Ricky after his 'payment'

It hurt more because I liked him.

I was more pissed off because I wanted him

He's no good for me

Not matter how many times I told myself that it wasn't convincing.

I curled up on the bed in the back of the truck, the tiny amount of light coming through the windows now pitch black, I rested my head onto my bag using it as a makeshift pillow closing my eyes.

I hope you're OK Josh, wherever you are, I just wish you had chosen me, why the fuck didn't you want me?

I finally drifted off to sleep battling those thoughts...

I awoke screaming, holding my paw to my muzzle, I hope no one heard me

Their faces, I could see their horrid snapping faces, my dad, my sister, and the picture of my mum when she shot herself.

I couldn't see their normal faces anymore, I breathed heavily panicking, I needed a picture, I needed to see them as they were

All I could see was my sisters zombie face asking why I shot her.

I rubbed my eyes, wiping the tears away, I had to get another picture.

I lay cuddling my bag, forcing myself to stay awake, I didn't want to see them like that again.

I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, and at some point I drifted back to sleep.

I woke in the morning, slightly later than I had planned with a determination to make it back home in one day, it would be a long day but I was going to do it.

Fueled by Nutella I swung the door open to the cab, closing it behind me just incase I ever needed to use it again.

I charged up the hill trying to make up for lost time.

I refilled my water bottles in some animal troughs but other than that I continued on without stopping, I could already feel the light fading once more without even reaching the hay loft, I contemplated stopping there, it was probably the right thing to do.

My legs ached and I needed to refuel.

The twilight was already upon me and it was already dark by time I got there, I looked round but I couldn't see the ladders, there was no way I was going to reach the upper floor without them and there was no way I was going to stay out here in the cold.

Damn it was cold.

The day had been quite sunny so tonight it was freezing without any cloud cover, I decided to carry on, I should make it my midnight perhaps.

The night was scary, this was a stupid idea, who in their right mind travels at night during a zombie apocalypse, I didn't have a choice now, but it was utter stupidity.

I reminded myself of all those horror films I watched and shouted at the main character telling them not to go into that creepy house, well if this were a film they would be shouting at me now

you should have stayed somewhere you idiot, you deserve to get eaten

Gosh I was such a fool.

I listened intently for any other noised than my own, as I neared my farmhouse there was something else close by, something unfamiliar, I could hear its footsteps.

Thankfully the moon was out and I was able to spot the zombie and shoot it in the head with the crossbow, had the moon not been out tonight I would have been dead for sure.

This was such a stupid idea.

As I neared my farm I stood in the yard, the door still open from when I left it last, I couldn't face going in there in the dark.

I couldn't face it

I went into the barn instead, taking some of the empty feed sacks up to the top of the grain silo, there was a platform on top of it, that's where I was going to sleep, away from all this, away from zombies.

I climbed up the silo 6 times carrying the sacks making a makeshift bed at the top, I wasn't sure what time it was when I finally lay down but my legs thanked me.

I spooned some more Nutella as a treat for surviving the night, I made a promise that I would never ever again do something so stupid as travel at night.

I was lucky

Very, very lucky.

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