Target *Chris Motionless*

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Chris hadn't been home for very many days and had just gotten back to attending to business when he had been sitting in his office.
Usually, the door was always kept closed, but he had told Vanessa that she could join him in his office after lunch. So much for forcing her to spend time with Ricky and for trying to get the girl off of his own back. The plan had backfired when he had come home.
Chris tried to tell himself time and time again that he didn't care about her, but he wasn't sure how long he could keep lying to himself.
If he didn't care about her, then why was throwing her to the streets not an option? Why couldn't he leave her behind?
He wasn't exactly a good guy, and there wasn't an image to keep up either, so it's not like that's what he was worried about. But for some reason, he couldn't do that to her.
"Tell me!" He had heard a voice come from the hall. It wasn't uncommon for the guys to fight around the house. Someone was always bickering or bitching about something. The man's voice continued to go on and on as he growled threats and demands. Chris sighed to himself before throwing down his pen. He couldn't focus with the background noise. As he crossed the room and began to reach for the door knob, his eyes took in the scene and as much as he had planned to shut the door and ignore it, he couldn't.
The only way Chris could describe it was that a fire lit inside him as his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed.
One of his men stood in the hall, with the small dark haired girl backed against a wall. "Why don't you fucking tell me?!" He yelled as he gripped her arms and shook her. A moment of silence fell but all Chris needed was that second to clear his throat, making the man turn.
"Get your hands off of her." He spoke slowly, menacingly. But the man made no attempt to move. "So help me god-" Chris had started in a growl before the girl was let go of midway through the sentence.
"Nessa, go to my office." His tone was soft with her but his eyes continued to hold a darkness as he stared daggers at the man in front of him.
"You do not so much as lay a finger on that girl, do you understand me? If I ever find you around her I won't hesitate to put an end to you. Am I clear?" The man glared back but stayed silent. Only pushing past Chris with unnecessary force as he left the conversation and walked down the hall.
He let out an annoyed sigh as he rolled his eyes to himself. What was he? The girls body guard now? He had too much to focus on to add her onto the list. She needed to hold her own around here.
Yet he wouldn't ever have it in himself to ignore a situation if she was ever in danger. Even the thought of someone hurting her made him angry.
But why the fuck did he care? He couldn't afford to have a weak spot and he'd be damned if it was over a girl. He had worked too hard to build himself up to this. He had too much power to bend to a female.
Yet as annoyed and angry as he was, when he sat down at his desk in front of the girl he couldn't find it in himself to lecture her. Believe me, he wanted to. Something along the lines of 'You know you need to be able to take care of yourself around here. It's not my job to protect you and I'm not your babysitter. So either get with it, or leave.'
But instead his voice softened as he stared at her.
"What did he want?" He had heard the man trying to pry information from the girl, but wasn't sure exactly what he had been asking about.
"Buisness questions that I didn't have the answers to." She answered blankly, staring through him as her eyes were empty. "He thinks because we..." She trailed off, but Chris knew exactly where she was going with it anyways.
Everyone thought that they were close. That Vanessa knew things that Chris kept from others but it couldn't be further from the truth. Chris told her nothing, in order to protect her. She was useless to any enemy if she knew nothing about his business matters. It was his way of protecting her.
"He won't mess with you again." He assured her before resting back in his chair. She was frozen and stiff in hers, sitting up perfectly straight as her hands rested on her lap.
It wasn't her. She wasn't ever this hollow and distant.
"I promise, you have nothing to worry about." Did it really bother her this much? She absently nodded her head. And as much as it pained Chris to do it, he decided it was probably best to focus back on his work and let the girl calm down on her own. So he turned to his computer and got back to the matters at hand. But not before turning on a quiet Playlist of his that he had taken note of her liking to.
Hours later he had noticed the girls eyes drifting shut for longer periods of time as the night went on. He could tell she was falling asleep, so why she didn't excuse herself and go to bed was beyond Chris. She wasn't his slave, she didn't owe him anything. She didn't have to stay by his side or in his sight.
"You know you can go, right? You don't have to wait up for me." His words were almost a whisper, as to not startle the girl by suddenly ending the silence that now filled the room. The music had ended a while ago.
"I'm fine." Her voice was barely a whisper back as she slouched in the leather chair. He shook his head to himself before getting up. He was gone from the room for only moments before coming back and draping a blanket over her curled up body.
"Suit yourself." His tone was indifferent as he sat back down. But he still didn't understand. Why was she fighting sleep just to stay up in his office with him? Was she that worried? That scared?
"If it's about earlier, I already told you-"
"It's not." She shook her head. Her voice was firm but it still wasn't her. He had unwillingly spent far too much time around the girl and had a good grip on who she was. He knew her different tones, her body language and her moods. But why he didn't understand her sudden avoidance was beyond him.
"Then what is it? You don't suddenly dissociate for no reason."
"This is a problem, Chris. But I don't exactly have much of a choice other than being stuck with you." Her tone wasn't upset in the slightest but her words still had a bite. Chris let out a bitter chuckle.
"I tried solving that. It only made you want to be closer to me. So what do you expect me to do here?"
It was never in Vanessa's plans to get close to someone and she'd be damned if she got attached. She was better alone anyways.
"I don't know, but somethings gotta change. I'm not going to continue being a target all because of you."
"Then leave. It's that simple. No one's forcing you to stay." Chris didn't like the words coming out of his own mouth, but he was frustrated.
"Maybe I will." The girl spoke quietly, nodding her head before she got up and left his office without another word.
Chris couldn't let her leave. Not only would she be in even more danger without them to protect her, but he also had personal reasons for wanting her around.
He sighed as he stared blankly at his computer screen, lounging back in his chair. Why? Why did they always have to complicate things?
Knowing that Vanessa had probably just went off to bed, Chris stayed in his office for a while to give her space. Only when it was after midnight did he make his way to his room and climb into bed beside her.
He had to admit that he had grown to enjoy her presence every night and the fact that she would usually lay her head on his chest or put her arm around him only suggested that she felt the same way. Their insistence on not needing each other was fooling no one but the two.
To everyone else it was clear that they mattered to each other more than they were willing to admit.
Chris sighed as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back against his chest before falling asleep.

Motionless in White One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now