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White light that's all I could see. Just pure bright white light. I tried to find comfort in it thinking back to what you are told throughout your life about walk towards the white light and welcoming death.

Then there was a noise of metal on metal. Which made me realise the white light I was staring at was a lamp directly shinning on me. My eyes fluttered but I tried moving them. A white curtain was placed just below my chest. I was in an operating room.

"Hey baby look at me! You're going to be okay." I could hear Donovan but my eyes closed before I could look for his familiar face.

I felt like I was drifting on open water surrounded by darkness, quiet but at peace. But I realised I was not alone.

The goddess was sitting directly across from me in a tiny wooden boat. Our knees almost touching. I no longer had a swollen plump belly it was flat and barren.

"Where are we?" I was able to whisper.

"The abyss of solitude, it's where us gods are created also where we are sent when we've disobeyed the natural order." She smiled.

"Why am I here?" I questioned.

"I've used what little power I had left to speak with you."

"What is so important you need to speak with me?" I grunted feeling an invisible pull on my body. I gulped looking at the black waters.

"I simply wanted to see what state you would be in after what horrors your mind and body have endured," she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "You can spend an eternity here with me until I break free of this wretched hell or I can make a trade."

"What trade? I didn't ask to be taken here?!" I began to panic as the boat began to rock.

"A life for a life."

"I'm not going to ask you to take someone's life to save my own," I snapped as I gripped the side of the swaying boat in fear.

"You are really going to stay here in hell with me? You would let that monster raise your children?" She taunted dipping her hand the dark waters.

"Yes, yes I would. I have nothing left back there my family is gone, those who I thought I could trust betrayed me. What is there left for me to go back to? All I've ever experienced in life is pain. Even you are a source of pain. You tried to manipulate my will more than once. I guess what Athanasios said was right about you," tears began to roll down my cheeks as a pang of hurt washed over my chest.

"Wrong answer," she snarled as she grabbed me by the hair pulling my head over the boat and into the water. All though I was underneath the surface of water I could hear her voice as if she was in my head.

I was going to send you home without a sacrifice if you answered me correctly but you failed. You should have listened to my first warning many moons ago. I done everything in my power to make you hate him!

I tried to thrash about but she was too strong, I became lightheaded as I held my breath underwater. My lungs began to cave in and I began to swallow water. A bright white light exploded around me.

My eyes peeled open to dimly lit lights. I was in a hospital bed.  I could see Donovan sat in a chair at the foot of my bed cradling a baby in his arms. As if sensing my eyes on him he glanced up at me with raw red glassy eyes. Without having to tell me I know the child he held in his arms was dead.

A life for a life.

I thickly swallowed despite the unwelcome lump in my throat. Before I knew it Donovan had gently placed the baby in my arms. His seat was moved to be closer to us. The baby was dressed in the lemon cardigan and hat. I took the hat off knowing that my Nana had made it and it stung knowing she betrayed me.

"It was a little boy," he whispered beside me as he tucked his finger into his cold little hands.

I looked at the beautiful baby boy with blonde hair and a wave of sadness washed over me. His lips were blue, his skin ice cold. I gently placed a kiss on his head.

"Take him it's my fault," I whispered out.

Donovan took the baby without asking any questions. I sat numbly in the bed feeling the pains in my body from the attack from Emmet to the emergency caesarean section. But nothing hurt as much as my heart. I was betrayed by those who promised to protect me, but even worse I was betrayed by family. I was grieving now for the son that I hadn't realised I grew attached to. Seeing how tiny and defenceless  he was stirs an emotional storm inside me but I wasn't sure if that was the hormones or not.

A nurse came inside soon wheeling two hospital cribs. She smiled at me but I couldn't move. I could hear the little noises that came from the cribs but I kept my eyes glued to the ceiling.

I always wanted to be a mother to have a family of my own but this was not how I imagined it. Forcibly impregnated by a man who had physically and mentally abused me. I now questioned if every abusive moment we had was because of his own actions or because of Selene.

I was afraid to look at what was inside the crib because I didn't know how I would feel once I did.

"Alpha female how are you feeling?" The nurse tenderly asked.

I ignored the title she had just called me and looked at her. Her eyes were downcast in a respectable way.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"It's a natural way to feel. I became pregnant in the same way you did," her voice was low. She looked like a beast.

"I never really wanted children I tried not to bond with them but as soon as you look into their eyes and feel their skin on yours it's like an awakening happens. They are all that matters." She spoke in a whisper tenderly rubbing a tiny fisted hand.

I ignored her trying to tune out every influence that people have had on my decision. I had made up my mind a few weeks ago to keep these children not because of a prophecy or because a cruel game that gods played had my life somehow interweaved into it. But because this was the only possible way I would ever have a family. One that I would teach the importance of loyalty.

"Alpha," I heard her say bowing her head as Donovan slowly walked into the room.

He was the Alpha now. I'm sure no one would dare challenge him for his title.

"Thank you April, you may leave my mate and I now if all check ups are done," he grumbled.

Silence enveloped us it was rather uncomfortable, I wanted him to speak so that I could be distracted.

"We have four healthy baby boys." His voice broke the silent air.

"Where is my brother?" My voice was barely a whisper.

"I had the pack check the clearing he was last seen in, they were able to track his scent into the woods before it disappeared. It was accompanied with Emmets, Rowans and your grandmothers scent. They've all disappeared and gone into hiding."

"Are they still looking?"

"Of course mate they're still tracking as we speak."

"Good, I need to rest," I meekly said feeling the affects of the drugs they had me on.

He nodded his head in understanding his eyes glazed and the nurse scurried in taking the cribs out with her.

I would burn this earth to the ground to get my brother back. I looked at Donovan's broad strong back as he left them room. I would use him to get my brother back.

The end

So this is the end of the first book and boy oh boy does it need major working on. I will be redrafting this story so if you loved it keep an eye out for the new and improved version which is the start of an exciting series ❤️

I would just like to say a big thank you to those who have been so supportive with this story! You are so valued and the reason I have got this book finished instead of starting all over again without finishing the first draft. Thank you all so much

Hope you enjoyed!!

Love you all

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