The Calling

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My fingers gently combed through Beau's hair as he slept peacefully on my lap. An ache settled in my heart wishing that this would last forever, being able to keep him safe with no immediate threat. My Nana sat watching a film she remembered from before while drinking some tea. A loud shrill echoed in the room making me shield my angel's ears, a loud string of curse words left Emmett's lips as he left the
room. I sat admiring Beau's delicate facial features.

"Lilah?" I hummed in response my eyes casting towards my nana. "Theses past few weeks have been hard, but I've come to realize that they aren't all that bad." Her eyes flickered towards the door Emmett had disappeared through.

"No not all of them are Monsters." I agreed with her.

"But that thing is Li, don't let your guard down around him. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you're safe." Her voice was that of a whisper, she glanced around the room cautious of whose ears could be behind the walls.

Silence was heavily weighing in the air, as Emmett once again joined us for the end of the movie. I didn't concentrate on the film at all, my mind was else where. It was as if my eyes were a magnet and they were being attracted by another. I gazed at Emmett only to notice that he was staring blankly at the wall, an empty expression swarming his face as he too was lost in unwanted thoughts.

My over active thoughts made my eyes grow heavy, they gradually shut leaving me in my own darkness. I was content with this black space of nothing, I didn't have to care for anyone or even myself as there was no threat lurking in the shadows. I could forget about my current situation and simply not exist for a short moment in time.

My lungs breathed in the air calmly, a frown graced my face when the smell of the fresh sea air tingled my nose. I could practically taste the salt water in my mouth something that wasn't very pleasant but it did bring back fond memories of journeys to the beach. Innocent fun that wasn't tainted by the knowledge that we later discovered. They were my most precious memories of my parents, tears welled in my eyes as I thought of building sandcastles with my mother after collecting sea shells. Or sitting on my fathers shoulders eating ice cream while I witnessed my first sun set. I still had a photo that captured the moment perfectly. My young face was overcome by amazement while my father grinned lovingly at the woman taking the photo. Ice cream that had melted was thick in his hair but he never complained about it.

The bracing breeze carried a melodic voice that gently called my name. My eyes opened to see that I was standing on the sea shore, waves gently danced over my toes while the noise of them soothed me.

"Lilah," the voice called out to me again. Without thinking I took a step forward, only to realize that my foot wasn't surrounded by water. My foot hovered above it, I took a deep breath filling my lungs with the salty air before putting all my weight on the foot that was floating on the water. I laughed nervously when my foot didn't sink into the dark liquid. I was standing on the water, I took another step forwards expecting to finally fall in but it didn't happen. I allowed myself to follow the voice that was coaxing me forward. The water caressed the sole of my foot gently with each step I took.

I turned to look back at shore to see how far I had travelled out, I could still see the white sand but the crashing of the waves was merely a thin line in the distance. I turned back to what was in front of me. My mind was completely discombobulated from the discovery that I was walking on water to the magnificence that my eyes witnessed before me.

There was an outlined silhouette that was basking in a soft glow, the color that was hallowed around the figure reminded me of pearls with rays of electric blue splashed throughout. The wind blew through my hair, it gently tickled my ear before whispering to me once again. "Lilah you're safe, come to me."

There wasn't an ounce of hesitation that flooded my body as I neared the mysterious form. Drapes of clothing moved delicately in the wind, it was hypnotizing. The figure turned to face me, my breath caught in my throat astonished by the beauty of the creature. It was a woman, a very beautiful woman. Her mesmerizing features were simply unearthly. Her long black tendrils of hair contrasted with the white thin fabric of her dress as they danced in the wind together. Silver symbols that littered her body glinted, that was when I noticed that the luminous glow was radiating from within her.

She was magical looking but that wasn't the last of her unique aspects, her eyes changed the game completely. They were completely clouded over except for the speckles of black shadows and twinkling silver specks. I knew she wasn't blind as she was staring into me, not just my eyes but she had opened the windows to my soul and had decided to climb in and have a wander around.

"It is nice to finally meet you Lilah." Her voice flowed through me like the world's smoothest stream. Her presence was soothing, swaddling me in a delirious daze.

"Who are you?" My mouth moved slowly and my words seemed to stumble out even slower. I didn't know whether it was my brain processing things at a leisurely rate or for another reason.

"For you safety I won't tell you who I am, but I am not of any being that roams earth."  She analyzed me carefully making me feel insecure under her watchful gaze. Her mystical orbs landed on my slightly swollen stomach, her lips flickered quickly. "I see that you are baring."

I grimaced from the mention of my situation. Her angelic face was quickly engulfed in shadows, the claws of the silhouettes taking over her as realization settled in.

"I understand better than anyone the type of monster you face daily but that does not mean that these-" she approached me settling her hands upon my stomach, "-are too. They are innocent while they are nourished by you. They aren't exposed to the terror you face. You are free to feel any emotion you want but do remember Lilah they are your children. They are apart of you. You can do so much to shield them, protect them."

A wind whipped through the air quickly caring a message to her jeweled ears. Her lips parted slightly, her hands landed on my face gently but urgently. The specks danced in a frenzy through her bright white orbs, it almost resembled the different thoughts that ran through her head.

"You must leave now! You can trust the Alpha and his brother, they mean you no harm. The man of the script has your answers!" Her lips touched mine, they felt frozen so cold that they began to sting me. Something flowed throughout my body as it passed through her body into mine.

As soon as her skin left mine I was falling, I was quickly engulfed by the water. The water surrounding me was so much colder than her lips, and less welcoming. My body was quickly caught in a current, thrown back and forth mercilessly. My lungs screamed and thrashed around my insides in sync with my heart looking for an escape. Something latched onto my legs dragging me down to the seas deep depths.

My eyes desperately looked up through the water that was above me. The moon gleamed down on me, watching me disappear into the darkness. Bubbles left my lips as the burning in my chest grew worse, the grip on my leg tightened. I felt myself begin to grow tired, heavy and limp. My eyes closed feeling faint.

I jumped awake gasping and coughing. My eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I was once again in the sitting room. The TV was turned off, silence surrounded me. I lay still for a few moments, my chest raising quickly from the shock of the hyper realistic dream I just had. I sat up slowly before freezing as my eyes connected with dark orbs. The complete opposite to the woman I had met in my dreams. My hand protectively clutched my stomach, as I watched him cautiously as he sat there tensely. My automatic defense resumed it's accustomed position, but it was different than it had been earlier. I felt powerful, almost invisibly protected by a greater force.

I felt energy flow between my hand and the life that lay beneath it. They were apart of me too.

Hope you all enjoyed this update!

Any ideas for a name for this chapter please comment!!

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