Claiming Contract

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My eyes fluttered open as I began to glance around the room my vision slowly adapted to the darkness that smothered me. My eyes travelled towards the nightstand the glowing numbers 03:30 could be read on my alarm clock, the shrill ring began to echo around the room before I knocked it off. Stretching my tired muscles I kicked off the thin material blanket.

The cold nipped at my skin as I stripped, sliding a scabbard on both my calfs I sheathed my two Wolfsbane covered daggers. Pulling on a pair of baggy tracksuit bottoms I smiled seeing as you couldn't see my hidden knives. Slipping my Fathers old t-shirts on my heart stung with the sorrow of missing him. Strolling down the stairs I walked into the kitchen grabbing a slice of Nana's homemade now stale porridge bread. I washed it down with the disgusting chemically flavoured water, I grimaced at the taste before slipping on my scuffed runners and silently headed out the door.

The sun still hadn't risen yet as it was still too early but I was use to walking down this route in the dark, the flickering of the overhead street lamps leaked enough light for me to see the two hulking figures who's eyes were concentrated on me the only soul walking these streets at this hour. Slowly they began to approach me "What are you doing out this late?" one of them questioned.

"I'm on my way to work Sir" I grumbled my eyes down casted. Seeing them nod the second one took out their notepad. Knowing the procedure I turned my arm outwards so the inside of my arm exposed the numbers 60317974. He quickly jotted down my number along with the time they seen me, his head nodded as a sign for me to leave and I hurriedly done so afraid of being late. I began jogging lightly before I got to the shop I was at the previous day. Seeing the huge grey building that was lit up by bright white lights I sighed.

Arriving at the check in department I gave the woman at the desk the number that was etched into my arm before she scanned the barcode that was there as well. I walked straight through the big double doors with small boxed windows covered in wire. I began walking until a heavy hand landed on my shoulder turning slowly I seen Emmet making all emotion drain from my face. He pulled my arm dragging me down the hall into his office.

There on his moderate sized desk was a harmless page with the heart clenching words Claiming Contract written in big bold print. I gulped feeling Emmet come up behind me leaving feather light kiss up and down my neck sucking gently. I grimaced feeling highly uncomfortable I shrugged him off taking a deep breath. "What happens if I sign it?" my voice echoed off the bare white walls. His lips re-attached themselves to my neck making me whimper with the force he was using to attack my skin.

"Well when you turn thirty and you aren't claimed as a mate you are legally bonded to me. I will have the rights to claim you as mine and we will mate" his breath brushed up against the back of my ear as he spoke. He nipped at the back of my earlobe making me wince slightly I could feel a little trickle of substance run down my neck and down my collar bone as my top began too soak up the blood, the result of him breaking my delicate skin. No matter how much I really didn't want to do this I knew I had too, so it wouldn't affect my family in the long run. I took a few steps closer towards his desk before picking up the heavy pen, my hand shook as I began to slowly write my name. I barely ever wrote anymore and the only time I would write was to put my signature on something. A heavy sigh fell from my lips once the contract was signed, Emmet walked around to the back of his desk taking something out of it before coming back to stand in front of me.

"Here" he grumbled out handing me something. I looked down my eyes growing wide seeing the fifty dollar note. "You need it more then I do" he smiled showing off his huge canines. Tears gathered in my eyes and I was just as shocked as he was when my thin arms wrapped around his waist loosely. "Now I'm going to do you a favour but you owe me for it," his eyes glinted in mischief something I didn't really like. "I'll sign you in and out of your normal shift but you can go home now and take care of your family until you've to go to the run." I was unable to speak so I merely nodded.

I didn't know or care why he was helping me but I gladly took his help. He gripped my small upper arm scurrying down hallways before we came to a door with Emergency Exit written on it. Swinging the doors open he pushed me outside slightly. "Leave quickly," he muttered out and I didn't need to be told twice before darting off into the familiar darkness of the night.

I kept running until reaching the shop I would usually only visit once a week. I grabbed a basket throwing whatever into it smiling not caring what I bought. Paying for them I packed them away in the material bags I brought with me everywhere, again I stopped at the side of the road packing away some logs for at home. I could hear the unnatural sound of metal destroying the trees and I wondered how many people were actually unfortunate enough to be assigned the job of a lumberjack. My tired arms didn't bother me since I was use to the straining feeling from working in the fields.

After walking a little longer I came too the heart of the run down town I had grown up in. Black dirt was thick and matted into the ground along with old pieces of news paper, my nose scrunched up smelling the raw sewage that sometimes leaked from the manholes and drains in the ground. Seeing the drug stores glowing red sign flicker slightly due to the poor electricity I jogged towards it not wanting to be in the streets at this time of the day. The bell chimed as I strolled in heading toward the till I was greeted by a beast "Can I help you?" She asked boredly.

"Yeah I'm here to pick up Diana Clarke's prescription" I grumbled out. The she-wolf nodded before heading around to the back of the shop. Coming back she scanned the medicine through the till, I hurriedly payed her badly wanting to go home. My shoulder blades were screaming at me in pain begging for a rest from the heavy bags.

I walked down the street my eyes flashing from one side of the street to the other, overlooking every nook and cranny. My ears perked up at any noise wether it was the rustling of plastic bags from the wind or empty bottles clattering against the cracked filthy tarmac.

Finally arriving home I struggled and got my keys out quietly unlocking the door. I began unpacking the food humming gently under my breath. Bending down to put something in the fridge I stood back up to come face to face with nana holding the fire pocker in a defensive manner. "Wow, Nana it's only me," she instantly relaxed hearing my voice. "I got your medicine."

"Awh Lilah that's amazing thank you pet" she smiled showing her barely there teeth. I handed her the remaining money I hadn't spent.

"Keep this safe incase I don't come back" I smiled with my lips closed, a shiver of revulsion running through me. "I'm going to try and get some more rest before I've to leave later. You stay in bed I'll take Beau to school" I told her before heading to bed. An hours sleep would do me no harm and it would boost my energy, and I needed as much energy as I could get for the dreaded run I had to attend.

The run could change my faith forever something I prayed didn't happen. Even though Emmet had a claim over me I wasn't ecstatic over that but at least I knew Emmet and it gave me a few more years to rare Beau, the race was full of unknown beastly males from ages eighteen to forty.

I didn't want to be chained to a monster I didn't know, I didn't want to be chained at all.

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