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Many wolves ran through the trees as they normally did on a full moon. The strength of the beaming white orb like a caress on their fur, howls birthed the forest showing their praise.

"Who's blood is that?" My voice came out barely above a whisper as though I didn't want to know the answer. But he had heard me by the way his dark eyes turned to look at me.

"The guards," he grumbled not giving me much more to his short answer.

"Who was that stranger who was with you earlier?" My eyes drooped slightly despite the situation still tired.

"Rest your eyes for the few minutes that you have Li. Everything else is unimportant," his hand shifted from the gear stick to gently stroke my stomach.

I turned my head away from him closing my eyes trying to stop the nervous waves that were washing over me. The jarring promise of wolves rang throughout the night which did not settle my nerves. I could see the Betas reflection in my window, he couldn't see me but I glared not knowing what mess he was going to get me into.

"I think you should have left me at home," I spoke quietly my sentence ending with a yawn.

"No," he growled out. "Those bastards were going to hurt you."

I didn't comment rolling my eyes. We turned down a dirt road driving through the forest. The canopy of the trees letting very little light through. My eyes focused on the shadows as I saw movement it was not of a wolf but maybe of a man, knowing that it was a full moon not many humans ventured out especially not in the dark never mind the forest. The home of the beasts.

We kept on driving before pulling up to a house that I recognized instantly. It was more of a manor than a house, it was the pack house. The one I was kept in after the hunt. The car abruptly stopped making me look at Donovan his eyes bore into mine, he clearly spoke to me even though his lips did not move. Stay in the car.

I could see him rounding the car and taking a few steps towards the house but looking back at me he stopped midway. His bare back was tense standing defensively in front of the car.

I could see Rowan make his way down the steps hastily. My breath caught in my throat as I saw others coming out of the house. Without thinking I quickly opened the door making my way out of the car slowly making my way towards Donovan. I stood back a few deer away from him something telling me not to get to close to either of the bristling males.

"Beau go back inside," I called pleading looking at my Nana. I could see Emmett stood behind them, his hand now resting on Beaus small shoulder like an anchor.

"How dare you!" Donovan yelled at Rowan. "You send wolves after me, two puny warriors to attack me! What way did you think that would play out? Especially since they gloated about what plans you had set in place for my mate-" he turned to me his eyes making sure I was still there and safe.

"You boast about how you plan on ripping my pups from my mates womb! You put a hand on her or my pups and you wish you never had you sorry excuse of an Alpha," he snarled at the other male.

I looked at Rowan with bulging eyes. I take it that's why he had been avoiding me, probably make his plan commence much more smoothly. My slitted eyes looked to Emmett's trying to gauge his reaction. He would not meet my gaze, a lump formed in my throat while I teared up at his blatant display of guilt. But what shocked me most was the way my Nana's head bent her eyes downcast she knew. My eye twitched in disbelief and annoyance as I tried to pretend that I wasn't hurt by what Donovan had just revealed and neither denied.

"Is that a challenge Donovan?" Rowan's voice was every bit as cold as his eyes.

"Donovan don't do this, let's just go home," goose bumps raised my skin as dread raked across me.

He turned to look at me with a clenched jaw his eyes flickered behind me. He looked relived as he turned back to Rowan who had not moved, they continued their stare down. The wolves that had danced through the trees now stood at fringe of the woods.

I turned to look over my shoulder gasping as I saw the stranger from earlier standing near by me. I intuitively stepped away from him nearing Donovan hoping that the protective mode he was in would continue with the man I had no name for. As I looked around at the people surrounding us, no one took notice of him as if he wasn't even their.

A firm hand clamped down on my shoulder stopping me from venturing further away. I gulped closing my eyes not knowing what was going to happen with this man or the other men who were waiting to go for the others throat.

"You've been touched by her," the outsider mused making me turn to look at him.

Unlike before I couldn't feel his energy pushing against my own to make me feel small and helpless.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I held my head high despite the fear that I was feeling.

I turned to look at him astonished by the beauty he held. His skin was the color of the finest caramel his dark hair that was cut tight at the side but the hair that was left was long and braided tightly. His face was carved to masculine perfection. Thick eyebrows tried to curtain his glowing amber and gold orbs but nothing could hide the fire like eyes. His face was untouched by time yet there was an ancient aura that emitted from him.

"A brave little thing aren't you," his gaze shifted from me after a few more seconds before turning to the Beta who had not moved.

"Are you going to let a lower breed of Vermin speak to you like that?" The foreigner called out to him. I don't know if it was possible but more tension seemed to swarm the Betas back.

"What are you doing?" The venomous hiss left my mouth before I realized it.

"You'd be doing well to hold that tongue of yours and know your place human," he leered at me. He took a few steps toward Donovan but with one glance from the Beta he stopped, looking back at me.

The familiar breath taking pressure of his power pressed against me like it had earlier that day, but I was not the only one that noticed it. The wolves in the green crouched until their underbelly met the floor they whined as they turned their heads baring their neck.

"I know what you are Donovan-"

"Can't you smell his fear Donovan, he knows what you are yet he hasn't seen what you are," a snigger slyly accompanied his words.

"Is this who you brought to fight for you Donovan-"

"He does not need my help, he could take out this entire pack without breaking a sweat," I frowned not because of the words he spoke and how horrifying they were but because of the defensiveness that came with them.

"That's impossible even for a Lycan," The Alpha scoffed online making eye contact with his Beta. Not because of the underlining challenge but because the strangers dominance out matched his own.

"He isn't just a lycan, he's of my blood, my son."

We all stared incredulously at this trespasser who spoke of things that sound like a figment of imagination. He seemed to only be a few years older than Donovan how could he possibly be his father.

"Why would that make him special? Who might you be to so remarkable that it passed down to him?" The Alpha couldn't hold back his noises of irritation that brought on his snarls.

"I am Athanasios," I could hear the smile shine through his voice mercilessly.

Looking across the green I could distinctly see the look of horror on Rowan's face, that too matched my own.

"My son will paint this ground with crimson if you don't submit. We don't take lightly to disrespect," Donovan drove his fathers point across with a threatening growl that made my heart quiver in fear.

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Two updates in the one week! That's a record for me y'all!

Love all you beautiful people! Hope you enjoyed this chapter let me know your thoughts.

Stay safe

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