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My little brother ran over to me and I immediately picked him up. I got a disapproving stare from him but I ignored it.
"Hi baby," I whispered holding onto him as tight as I could without hurting him.

"LiLi why're you here? Why didn't you come home," his baby voice was gone. My heart broke into little pieces, I wasn't there for them, I wasn't there for him.

"This," I paused not really knowing what to say. "-is a new place I'm staying in, remember I went on the hunt bud?" I finished my sentence and Beau's head turned to look at the Beta putting it all together. He was a smart child he just didn't have the resources he needed to be taken care of properly. No matter how hard I tried.

My nana was just staring at me, she looked thinner than last time. Even though her eyesight was bad I knew she was staring at the bruises, scabs in the shape of bite marks and the puncture wounds from claws. Her eyes portrayed her emotion of fear and so did her pasty white face. My Nana was the person who taught me how to act around the Weres, she was wearier than me around them and now I was the reason they were in one of the creatures lairs.

I looked over towards the Beta who was staring at my brother. I gave him a warning look, before settling my brother back on the floor. Smiling at my brother I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Why don't you and Nana decide what you want for dinner?"

I grabbed the Betas arm dragging him into the sitting room. He didn't resist my touch, he actually leaned into it not use to me initiating physical contact. "Why are they here?" I whisper shouted at him.

His dark eyes looked at me questioningly. "Don't you want your family here? I thought it would be great to have them here especially while we start our own." I gave him a look that could only be described as a nasty one.

"You touch a hair on either of their heads and I promise you, you'll regret it." I walked out of the room without giving him a second glance. I could hear the low growl behind me but I payed it no attention. If I ignored it hopefully it wouldn't have an effect on me. The first sight that met my eyes when I walked back into the kitchen baffled me. Here was Emmett buttering bread while my little brother took out the rest of the topping for a sandwich. He glanced down at my brother with a glimmer of something in his eyes, not hatred or distaste, it wasn't a look that most Weres gave a human but I couldn't place my finger on it but then again I didn't really want to. I stepped up behind Beau and began to help quietly. A comfortable silence settled around us and I lost myself in normality of taking care of my brother until I could feel a hand snake it's way around my waist. I looked up to him to communicate my annoyance through my eyes, but he wasn't looking at me. His eyes focused on the back of Emmett's head, his lips curled back exposing his teeth.

"Mine." He purred lowly while lowering his nose to my head breathing in my scent.

Emmett didn't react to him, but he turned to Beau with a soft smile. "Do you want any sauce with that buddy? A few chips on the side?" He winked, the response he got was a giggle while blonde curls bounced up and down meaning a yes. Emmett and the Beta tensed at the same time and I could see the glazed over look in both of their eyes.

"I need to leave mate. You stay here you should be safe with him." He glanced towards my old supervisor with a sharp gaze. "Don't take your eyes off of her, but you are not to touch her." He snarled at him before walking out the door. The house rattled with the force that he closed the door with. I breathed a sigh of relief, he was gone for a while and I could spend time with my family without being so tense.

Bony arms wrapped around me and immediately I melted into them. I missed the security of my Nana's strength that I sometimes needed. She always had been the safety net that I could sometimes lay down in when I needed to. I knew why her hands tightened around me, she thought she'd never see me again. I understood this because it was the same reason I squeezed her back.

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