Are you talking to me?

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"Mate!" He whispered again making me raise my eyebrow.

His eyes never left me which I hoped they would, he didn't mean me right? I couldn't be his mate he never approached me during the hunt. Looking behind me I was the last person in the line making me gulp. I glanced at the man before pointing at myself, dread rushed around my veins when he nodded.

I slowly started to step backward only making it a few steps before I fell. "Stay away from me!" I shouted out when the man began to approach me. I felt the hilt of my dagger, quickly I grabbed it throwing it at the strange man hitting him just below his rib cage.

I was up on my feet like lightening running so fast that they barely touched the ground. A core rattling growl sounded behind me making me choke out a cry as the situation was starting to sink in. There was no way I could get out of this now, no where to run and as I looked around the clearing there was definitely no where to hide. Grabbing my other blade I screamed while being tackled to the floor. My eyes screwed shut as my attacker flipped me over. He couldn't be certain if I was his mate if he didn't look into my eyes closely.

"Open your fucking eyes mate!" He roared out. I felt my other blade quickly ripping it from its sheath. I held it up to my neck with my eyes still closed.

"If you don't get off me I'll slit my throat!" I warned. The cold of the blade hurt my throat as it pushed in deeper, I could feel blood dripping from the wound. His knees dug into my thighs as he pinned me to the floor. They knife was quickly snatched from me hands and my hands were in the same situation as my legs. I could feel another pair of hands touch my face as they peeled my eyes open. I unwilling stared into the pitch black eyes of a monster. An image that would never leave me. It was terrifying seeing the crazed look in his eyes while he bore a sinister grin.

There was a rumbling in his chest that almost reminded me of a cat purring. "Mine," he growled repeatedly. His elongated canines glared at me as the sun reflected off them. Before I could blink they were lodged into the crook of my neck. My ear piercing scream irritated the monster's sensitive hearing but he didn't let go. My neck screeched in agony as the searing pain grew as he clamped down tightly.

I could feel his teeth sinking deeper and deeper into my flesh as I became weaker. His teeth began to scrape my collar bone and then pain was unbearable as I screamed and thrashed weakly. My body decided the pain was to traumatic and I blacked out, thankful I'd be dead to the world for a little while.

I stood in the sitting room glancing at the clock seeing it was turning six o'clock I turned the Tv on like I did every night at this time to get the latest update on the news. My nana put down the baby jumper she was knitting when the mans voice from the Tv came on. Beau soundlessly slept in his stroller while we both sat on the edge of our seats waiting nervously. The Tv illuminated the sitting room and I stared at the screen, an unsettling feeling start hurting my belly realizing that this wasn't the normal anchorman that had been giving us our daily updates.

This man had dark eyes almost black, when he smiled you could see his sharp canines and he was broad, extremely well built. He had the characteristics of the Beasts that we had been warned about. "Oh no," Nana had a horrified look on her face which made me assume whatever this man had to say was bad news.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I am here to inform you that the war has been won, we have spared the lives of the men fighting for the humans as we understand you acted violently because your species felt threatened. We wish to peacefully exist with one another. As we speak the new government is being put together we should have a report about new laws and -" Nana turned the Tv off  and started to hyperventilate.

"Oh do you need your inhaler?" I asked innocently not understanding what the man had said on the screen really meant.

"No petal I'm fine," she took in a deep breath. "I'm fine, you should go on up to bed Lilah it's late enough" I glanced at clock seeing it was only half six. I nodded before going up the stairs knowing not to argue.

Why was everyone so scared of these monsters? I mean they did look scary but the man had said their race wanted to co-exist with us. They couldn't be that bad right? Maybe we could all live in harmony.

I pondered on and on until I finally fell unconscious. Dreaming of when I'd get to see my parents again.

Hey guys I'm really sorry for the shitty update. I've been going through some really hard times these past two weeks. I'm also back in school fml. I'll try updating as much as I can,

Love you guys ~ Ari

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