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Beep beep beep. Can someone knock that fucking alarm off?

My eyes barely peeled open and I could feel the lumps behind my lids from exhaustion. I wasn't looking forward to going to work today.

"Oh mate you're finally awake!" A deep manly voice came from beside me. My eyes snapped open to see who this person was, and once I seen those disgusting inhuman eyes everything rushed back to me. This thing sitting beside me was the true form of a monster.

I tried to sit up only for the monster to push me back down gently. There was nothing gentle about this creature. My throbbing body was evidence of that. My skin stung me sitting in the bed and my whole body throbbed like a heart beat.

"You need to take it easy mate, your injuries are bad," he grumbled out trying to keep eye contact with me.

"I wonder who's fault that is," my voice was dry and scratchy. The monster handed me a glass of water cradling a bowl in his monstrous paws. Steam raised from the food the smell making its way to my nose, my belly growling to let me know I was hungry.

The beast picked up a spoon of the creamy porridge after hearing my tummy with his super hearing. "Open up mate, " I glared at his big stupid grin going to grab the spoon off of him. That's when I saw the thing going into my arm, a stream of blood flowing from the bag up above and into my body.

"What is that?" I asked not knowing what it was.

"That's an IV line, it helps put the blood back into your body since you lost so much in your accident." He shoved the spoon in my mouth forcing me to eat the creamy porridge.

"I wasn't in an accident-" I paused before hesitantly continuing on, "-you attacked me!" I told him looking him in the eyes.

"No I didn't mate I could never hurt you!" He leaned forward placing his lips on mine making me shake my head.

"Yes you did hurt me! You sank your teeth into my leg, twice!" I couldn't hide how irritated or frustrated I was as I started to kick my legs around when his paws start touching me.

"Hey baby calm down I didn't hurt you, you fell with a knife in your hand and it went into your leg, remember?" His eyes were convinced that he was telling the truth and that made me afraid.

"No... No I didn't you bit me!" My face hardened as I tried to remember clearly how it all happened, he did attack me I wasn't crazy.

"Stop it!" He growled out like an animal.
"I did not hurt you!" His voice was beginning to raise while the growls didn't stop.

"Yes you did-" his hand slammed over my mouth forcing my head back into the pillow.

"Stop, man forget," his voice was strained and scratchy not like how it normally sounded.

"What do you mean man forget? That's not even proper English!" The monsters eyes were completely black, no other color to be seen.

"I wolf now, other form man-" he struggled to find words. But I understood that I was talking to the beast. "Man forget for now but I remember, we sorry." He leaned down and kissed me making me gag.

The door opened making the beast pull away snarling as he stood protectively over me. One of the guards stood at the door his head bent down in respect. "Beta Molotch the alpha has requested your presence in the council room."

He growled kissing my forehead, "I back soon mate!" He tried reassuring me I wanted him gone for as long as possible. "I get doctor for you mate," he nodded his head heading out the door.

Shortly after the beast had left the doctor came in. But he wasn't a monster, he was human. He was short maybe around my height, had bright blue eyes and had tight hair. Three giant scars covered the left side of his, I knew what they were from, claws.

"Hello Lilah, my name is Marcus. As your injuries were severely bad they called me as I am a human doctor. I was in your position a while ago," he pointed to the scars on his face. "-the longer you go without giving your mate what he wants he's going to do a lot worse damage to your body."

"What does he want?" I asked. I was starting to feel a bit better now and when I looked up to see the bag full of blood I realized that it was nearly empty.

"He wants to complete the mating process he has already marked you, which I'll take a look at now in a sec but to complete the process the beta needs to mate you," his voice was strained. He came closer to me unwrapping the bandage around my neck. He grimaced once seeing it.

"You mean like sex?" I flinched when he began rubbing some disinfectant on my open wounds before rubbing a soothing cream on it.

"Yes, right now your mate is in something called the lymphans stage. His animalistic instincts are in full control. The Weres tend to suppress the memories during this phase especially if it involves harming their mate. Normally they aren't as violent with their mate as the Beta is, they direct aggression to anyone who is a threat in their eyes to the mating relationship. The Betas behavior towards you is one of the most extreme cases the pack has ever vitnessed. The damage he is doing to you physically is worrying." I frowned listening to him.

I didn't want to have sex with that beast. "What would happen if I didn't complete the mating thing?" My face was void of any emotion just like my voice.

"Well the Betas violent outburst will get worse and eventually he'll end up killing you which in my opinion could be soon. Then it is Death for anyone who has your scent lingering on them. Out of confusion and unrecognized guilt his rage will be directed towards family, friends, workers anyone who has a strong scent of you on them. So if you don't want to mate with the beta you better give the grim reaper a call because he's gonna be busy. "His voice had no emotion in it but his eyes did. They leaked with sympathy and understanding. He's been in this position as well.

"You said that he won't remember anything in this lymphans stage, but why do their wolf forms remember?" Marcus frowned trying to comprehend what I was asking him.

"What do you mean by that Lilah?" It was my turn to frown this time, did Marcus not understand what I was saying.

"The beast side of that thing was talking to me earlier on and he began apologizing for what they did explaining that the man form of the Beta forgot but he didn't," I explained to him.

"That's strange I've never heard of a werewolf's wolf form trying to interact with a human, with mindlink of course they can interact but that's with other wolves, they've never been in enough control to be able to do that," he pursesed his lips.

"Should I be worried?" His eyes flickered down to my neck and back up to my eyes.

"The advice that I'd give you is to just mate as soon as possible, he seems more-" he paused for a minute thinking of the right word that wouldn't upset the guards outside, "-ferocious that any other mating case that I've seen."

He checked the rest of my injuries applying creams and redressing the weeping wounds. He gave me painkillers and told me what times to take them at, just before he left he removed the thing in my arm.

He left with a little wave over the shoulder promising he'd check back on me tomorrow, leaving me alone with my dreaded thoughts.

Finally I've updated sorry for the wait guys I'm currently on a holiday. Hope you all enjoyed, I'm ecstatic that so many people have commented such positive things about this story. And my god over 4K reads I'm shook thank you all so much. Stay safe everyone ~Ari.

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