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A God.

I was standing in the presence of another God. I had shared a bed with a half God, I was carrying his children.

Neither party at either end of the field moved, each person watching the other to try and judge what the appropriate move would be.

A murmur of voice clouded together and travelled like a whisper of wind as they pleaded for protection from the person they thought as their mother. But she was not their mother, she was mine. The mother of my kind and she owed it to us to protect her own before coming to the rescue of the incidental race known as Werewolves.

My main focus was on the only child in the clearing. A child I nearly regarded as my own even though he was my brother. I could see the fear seep through his eyes as he looked to me for the reassurance that I always had for him.

Suddenly I saw the Alpha move quickly. He charged at his Beta, feeling the need to assert his dominance in front of his pack. My heart raced rapidly in my throat knowing that I would probably witness him die.

I could see something move in the bushes but the darkness hid it from my human vision. I was not the only one to notice, the God who stood before me was gone quickly whipping through the trees enjoying the chase.

I closed my eyes taking a few deep breaths trying to calm my nerves from the fighting that was going on in front of me. As they peeled open again I could see Emmett, my Nana and Beau running towards me. Donovan paid them no mind his sole focus on the Challenge.

Emmett reached for me once they neared, but I recoiled with a glare. I gripped Beau and pulled him towards me pushing him behind me.

"How dare you!" I snapped at him.

"Lilah listen it was for your own good. You wouldn't have know it would've been like an accident-" he started, from the corner of my eye I could see my Nana nodding. My hand raised without a second thought and came crashing down on the side of his face.

"You do not get to make my decisions for me! I already have a male in my life who because of your culture controls my decision! This was my choice, you don't get to take it upon yourself to change it just because you don't agree with it. I want to be a mother," I spat out at them.

I was seething with anger after they had proven what Donovan spoke of to be true. Emmett and my grandmother knew the plan to remove the growing babies from my womb without my consent.

"It does not matter, come we must leave," I glared as Emmett tried coaxing me.

"It does not matter? How dare you," I could feel tears brim in my eyes at the dismissal of their betrayal.

"You are all worse than anything Donovan had done to me. At least I had never trusted him. You people however?" I couldn't help but laugh through the tears, I should have known.

"You betrayed me, my trust, my decisions. You are all manipulative pieces of shit. I will go nowhere with any of you," I stood tall covering Beau despite my obvious impaired circumstances, I could not fend for us while being pregnant.

A look of hurt washed across Emmett's face but I merely scoffed at it. He could not feign hurt in this situation just for hearing the truth. I was the only person that had the right to be upset.

"Lilah you are coming with me," Emmett finalized with a growl stepping towards me.

"Why do you believe in that delusional brain of yours I'll love you and be the dolce mate that you never had? You will not bend my will for anything," I stood my ground staring him straight in the eye, wolf or not.

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