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I relished in the silence that surrounded us but I was fearfully awaiting for it to be broken.

"I understand that you aren't accustomed to our ways but you are going to have to get yourself use to them. I'm your mate and you will respect that, you will not hurt yourself, you will not go looking for any knowledge that doesn't concern you and you will not be leaving me, is that understood?" His voice was cold towards me but I preferred it that way.

I nodded my head. He wasn't happy with that as he crossed the room taking my jaw in his hand squashing my cheeks together. "I expect you to use your words when you are answering me is that clear?"

"Yes Beta," I answered pulling myself away from his clutches. He nodded his head before walking into the bathroom. Leaving the door wide open. I quickly walked by the the open door keeping my eyes on the floor not wanting to see his naked body. I went downstairs looking inside of the fridge, their was so many options that it was turning me off of eating. The Beta came down shortly only wearing his boxers, as he stood cooking dinner at the stove I recognized the scars littering his body. It would have to of been something bad to have left him so badly scarred.

"Do you like cheese?" His deep voice grumbled as his back still faced me.

"From what I remember yes I do." I stared outside the back garden and only broke out of my trance when a plate was put in front of me. The same type of plate from the restaurant. The Beta dragged a chair over until it was exactly beside mine. Seeing as they were steak and cheese rolls he couldn't really feed it to me, thankfully. He stared at me as I took my first bite. Even though I hated eating their food, I had to admit the he could cook well.

"Is everything okay?" He anxiously asked searching my face for a reaction to his delicious food. He couldn't read my blank face. I simply nodded continuing to eat. His hand rested on my leg slowly his thumb rubbed back and forward on my thigh.

"Let's watch a movie in bed," he stood up from his chair carrying the plate and putting it in the dishwasher. He grabbed my arm in what I would consider to be roughly but the Weres would have thought of it as normal. Once we entered the bedroom my breath quickened when he looked at me with dark eyes. Dark haunting eyes that told me the bastard of a dog was horny.

"I need to brush my teeth!" I shouted out in a panic. I ran into the bathroom only for him to follow after me. Before I could pick up the toothbrush the Beta's hand reached over me grabbing it putting toothpaste on it.

"Open wide,'" he opened his own mouth demonstrating what he wanted me to do, making me feel like a child. He grabbed onto my chin forcing my jaw open, he then stuck it in my mouth and began to brush my teeth for me like a parent would for their toddler. When he decided that they were clean he kissed my forehead before putting the same brush in his mouth. I quickly spit the minty foam out of my mouth before sprinting away from him. I pulled the covers up to my chin waiting for him. His tall muscular body entered the room. I glanced at the black screen of the TV.

"Are we watching a movie?" I asked keeping my eyes away from him.

He jumped on the bed leaning on his elbows glancing down at me. "Yes mate, what would you like to watch?" My reply was a simple shrug. He reached over to his locker grabbing the remote and fidgeted around with it until a movie began to play.

My hair was wrapped around his finger, his lips slowly fell onto my neck. "So what's this movie about?"

He kisses up to my ear and began to answer my question softly in my ear. "It's about a male who finds his mate. It shows how they go through all the stages of life with each other as mates it's a great movie."

His tongue kept dancing around my neck while his hands went on a wander of their own. My heart began to race with the thoughts of what he wanted to do to me. "I really want to watch this movie," my shaken voice had him looking up at me. He just smiled before slithering his way down between my legs. It was only when he began to pull my pajama bottoms down did I begin to panic. His soft lips began to caress my thighs making me snap out of my frozen daze. My hand shot down towards him and pushed him away from me.

"I don't want that," my voice was barely a whisper. But his confused face told me he had heard.

"What do you mean don't want it? I understand if this is all new and frightening to you I feel the exact same way, but this is just what Mates do you have to get comfortable with it. I want to show you my gratitude like most males do to their mate, in an intimate way that no one else will be able to." I shook my head and tried kicking my legs away from him.

"No I don't care who you are or what your society thinks of what you get to do with me, but it's my body and I don't want you to touch me!" His eyes began to darken, I was fucked. His claws began to grow, piercing my thighs. I began to thrash around in panic. Although he was stronger and heavier than me I miraculously was able to twist my body around and tried to crawl away.

It was long before his knees were squishing the backs of my thighs, one of his hands pining my shoulders to the bed while the other gripped my hair pulling my head back. "Get the fuck off of me you stupid mutt!"

His snarl in my ear had me snap out of my frenzy. "Ouch oh I'm sorry please don't," tears began to roll down my face as his nails pass through  the skin between my shoulder blades. I was scared to move incase his talons would puncture something crucial. His hand left my hair only to slide down to shred my underwear to pieces until they were non existent. I was bare and exposed to him making a strangled sob leave my mouth.

"You are mine! Maybe you'll begin to come around when you are carrying our pup." With that said he stopped fumbling around and began rubbing himself up against my unwilling parts. Without warning he forced himself inside me, my screams blended in with his howls and growls.

I lay there crying looking at the door that was open. A noise hadn't left my lips since I had lost my voice hours ago when he had first started. He was determined on impregnanting me, my blood was slick against my thighs as was his cum. He was still using me growling 'mine' in my ear as if it would convince me that I belonged to him.

I would never belong to him. I hoped that my tea would work, I couldn't handle carrying his monster spawn inside of me. 

So I finally updated sorry for the long wait. So I didn't know what to call this chapter comment ideas to give me some inspiration.

Stay safe everyone ~Ari 🖤

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