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I had finally left the room where the beginning of my destruction started. And I was now in a room where my torment would be agreed upon and commenced.

I was in a room sat in a chair with the Betas hands resting on my shoulders, most Weres would see this as affection but I felt like it was a reminder that he was there. In a threatening way. Surrounding us in a half a circle was the council members who's scrutinizing glare looked upon me. The chair I sat in faced the Alpha's huge important chair that was in the middle of the crescent shaped lay out. I honestly felt like I was in a court room and I knew I was in deep shit.

"Lilah Moloch, do you know why you're here today?" The alpha asked me looking at a folder in his hand.

"My name is Lilah Clarke." I was genuinely confused. Did they have the right file?

"We're mated now baby therefore you have my surname," the Beta squeezed my shoulder lightly making me whimper.

The Alpha stared at me pursing his lips. "You don't have much knowledge about our kind do you?" He questioned.

I shook my head no. I knew they had mates, they had privileges and how to kill them but that was it really.

He hummed before opening his mouth showing off his canines. "Well you did show violent tendencies and that is a danger to my pack therefore you will not be able to leave the premises of your house without your mate. You must attend classes that'll teach you about the importance of Mates twice a week. At the end of every month you will be assessed to see if you are stable enough to go about a normal pack life," he declared. His black eyes scanned around the room to see if anyone dared to disagree with him. Seeing as there was no input from the counsel he smirked. "You may take your mate home now dear cousin."

The Beta bowed his head in respect before helping me out of the chair. He nearly pulled my arms from their sockets while reefing me up. Two guards stood at the door, one  held a little metal thing and handed it to the Beta. The Beta grabbed my arm pulling me over to him.

"Stop it! What is that?" I pulled my arm back but I was to frail compared to how well built the Beta was. One of the guards grabbed me from behind wrapping his arms around me holding me in place while the metal thing was clasped around my neck.

"It's a collar. Disobedient mates wear one but yours has a tracking device on it unlike the rest," he clarified stroking a part of my neck that was exposed. My lip curled back in anger, I went to pull at the collar when a shock rippled through my body making me shriek. The Beta held a tiny remote in his hand. "It's only to teach you to behave mate," he told me. Not only have I been oppressed by this race of Monsters, I've worked on minimal food and sleep for them, they've taken me from my family and they've raped me. But I wouldn't ever let them win, I just needed to play my cards right.

We were escorted downstairs to what looked like a well furnished sitting room. We quickly left it heading out towards the hall before exiting out the door. The sunlight hit my face making me squint. I hadn't been outside in a few days my head hurt me from the strength of the bright sun but I was glad to smell fresh air.

A car was a few feet away from us, it was more like the pickup truck that my dad had when I was a child. It was black with big wheels. My brother would have loved to see this car since he had a figurine just like it. We didn't see many cars in sector 2.

The Beta walked me towards the truck opening the door and putting my seatbelt on. Silence surrounded us and from the Monsters jittery behavior I knew he wasn't comfortable with it unlike myself. We pulled up to a gorgeous big house. It was magnificent but a sour taste quickly formed in my mouth. This is the type of house they get to live in but we live in squalor.

The Beta left the car making me quickly open the door getting out by myself. I didn't need him. We walked up the steps and onto the big long porch. If I lived in my own perfect world I'd want a porch just like this at my house where I could sit and read while my children played in the front garden with neighboring kids. But I didn't live in a perfect world. I lived in a cruel fucked up one.

A key slid into the lock on the front door. The Beta opened and pushed the big red door open. I was swept off of my feet as the Beta held me bridal style. He smiled kissing my cheek stepping through the doorway. I glanced around the bare white walls, his arms tightened around me stepping further into the house.

We stood inside a spacious kitchen. An island was perked in the middle of the room along with four bar stools. I walked over to the gleaming oven and looked around the room looking at how big and clean it was.

"I can already imagine it-" he sighed out happily. "Your round belly full with our pups while you cook." I looked at him through the corner of my eye. He had a huge stupid grin on his face showing off his pointy fangs. His eyes bore into mine. I could see the deranged love in his dark orbs.

That's when I began to wonder, what did he see when he stared into the windows of my soul? Did he see the hatred? The disgust ? Maybe even the pain that I was use to.

I knew physical pain from working on the farm, I knew the pain in my stomach because of starvation whenever I would skip eating so Beau and Nana could eat, I knew the pain of losing both my parents by the age of sixteen and being left to rare a two year old. I've suffered over the years and it was all because of them.

"Speaking of pups,  baby you haven't felt any morning sickness yet have you?" He stared at me never glancing away from my body. I shook my head no quickly, this freak expected me to be pregnant already? 

"Don't worry baby we can try naturally for a few weeks and if it doesn't happen we can get help from the Doctors," he smiled before taking my face in both of his hands and placing his slobbery lips on mine. I stood frozen unsure of what to do. He grabbed the back of my thighs hoisting  me up on his waist kissing down my neck.

I glanced towards the clock relief blossomed in my chest. "It's two o'clock, I should be eating something right now," I pushed myself away from him turning to rummage through the presses for food.

The Beta picked me up once again, bringing me into a sitting room with a huge television. He pecked my forehead. "Get a movie on I'll make you something to eat," his canines glistened from the light coming through the window reflecting off of them making them look a lot more threatening. I nodded my head taking the remote from his hand.

I glared down at the remote through blurred eyes. I couldn't figure out how these things worked again and it was frustrating. The static noise of the Tv not receiving a signal echoed through the room. One thing was on my mind as I lay there with my eyes closed.

When would he try that again like he did in the kitchen. But I was thankful for that blessing of a food plan from Marcus.

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