The recipe

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The sun creaked in through the plain white curtains. His heavy arm was snaked around my waist keeping me flush against his bare chest. The shrill of an alarm echoed around the room, a deep breath left his body as he turned to knock the annoying sound off.

"Thank god for the snooze button," he chuckled nuzzling into my hair. I stayed quiet afraid to move, he didn't try mating with me last night I think my bandaged body was enough of a warning sign. But he did have me use my mouth on him and he had done the same favor as he put it, to me. His stubble scratched my delicate skin as he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

The weight lifted from the bed as he got out heading into the adjoining bathroom taking a shower. I didn't move, I just lay there not knowing what to do. I was awake since the early hours of the morning. Before the birds started to sing or the sun made itself known. Even though I had been lying tensely in the beast arms for hours I was not tired. I was on high alert, on edge in case of any sign that he'd attack again.

The room grew tense when I felt his presence in the room again. A lump formed in my stomach making me take a deep breath. He stood at the foot of the bed where his clothes had been laid out. My eyes ran over his muscular build making me gulp, this man could easily break me in two.

Feeling my eyes on him he glanced up at me making eye contact before grinning. Why was he in such a good mood today?

He dropped his towel making me look away. "You've seen me naked before no need to be shy mate," he chuckled coming over to me in his boxers. Thank god. He bent down giving me a chaste kiss on the lips. "Get dressed," he whispered against my lips.

I slowly sat up holding the covers to my chest grabbing my pajamas that were tossed at the bottom of the bed. I hurriedly put the clothes on before getting up. I had barely blinked before I was being dragged by the wrist out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen. I sat on one of the stools watching the Beta cook breakfast. He hummed lowly under his breath to a song I didn't know, that played on the radio. Soon he plated up the breakfast serving me scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. The smell floated up into my nostrils making my belly grumble. I hadn't tasted anything like this in so long. I took my time eating the food savoring the flavors of everything, even the toast. The bread was fresh with creamy butter on top, it simply melted in your mouth.

The Beta had already finished his giant sized omelette and was finishing off his coffee. Once I was done eating I sat awkwardly fiddling with my thumbs. My plate was taken from me and brought over to the sink where he slowly rinsed them. "I'd like you to read some of the book I bought you yesterday and I've catalogues with furniture inside and I'd like you to mark out what you'd like around the house to give it a woman's touch," he chuckled.

I nodded my head as he left a stack of furniture magazines on the counter along with the books we'd picked up. He dragged me to the door looking at me while the door was wide open, his gaze was piercing as he waited for me do something, what he wanted me to do I didn't have a clue.

"Kiss me goodbye mate," he was slowly beginning to lose patients and you could clearly hear it in his voice. I quickly pecked him on the lips and stared at the wall behind him when he kisses over the bandaged mark he left me with on my neck. I could see the two guards who were posted outside nod to the Beta as he left the house closing the door. He never locked it.

I walked back into the kitchen glaring at the books in disgust. I was going to have to read them but I'd do it when there's nothing to occupy me. I walked around the house trying to familiarize myself with my new cell. I walked by one of the small rooms that the Beta had mentioned would be used as a nursery. I snorted at the thought, I was determined not to fall pregnant.

The women at home all knew the natural home remedies to stop pregnancies, my nana had found out and decided to teach me. The reason we had this information was because of Philips mother. Before the war broke out she was a scientist studying what could be causing complications with reproducing. While doing so she came across the natural home remedies that acted like birth control. Thank god she decided to spread the news throughout the town. I'd have to make some of the concoction later on today.

As I walk through the hallways glancing in and out of the bedrooms I realized how bare the walls are. There was minimum furniture in each room, no character or life in the house what so ever. Even though the beast showed no real emotions towards me and I am the same with him I need to look like I cared. It was all part of the plan to gain trust. I didn't need to gain just his trust I need to gain the Alphas as well.

Hours had gone by and the hands on the big grey clock in the kitchen pointed to twelve when a loud noise echoed throughout the house. My heart was hammering against my chest from the sudden noise. I could see a read flash from the corner of my eye and I realized that it was the thing on the wall ring. It was a telephone. I slowly approached it, I can't remember the last time I'd used a telephone. There was a label with capital writing put on it reading ANSWER. My fingers slowly curled around the phone before raising it to my ear.

"Hello?" I whispered, afraid for a reason I didn't know.

"Lilah it's me, Donovan I was ringing to make sure you have something to eat around half twelve. Do you know how to cook?" His rough voice asked.

"Yes I can cook," I scoffed.

"Okay good, what have you done so far today?" Curiosity was visible to hear in his voice.

"I've marked out furniture that I like in the catalogues you gave me," I sighed out bored. I didn't want to be conversing with the Beta he wasn't in the house I thought I was free of him for a few hours. The fact that he had written a note on the phone told me that if I hadn't of answered there would've been a consequence. One that I didn't want to find out.

"Good well I should be home around six, is that okay? Are you okay?" He asked but I ignored the concern that he had.

"I'm fine, absolutely fine," a smile stretched across my face.

"Hm well then I'll see you later mate goodbye."

"Bye," I said quickly hanging up the phone letting out a laugh. I was free until six, I had six hours all too myself.

I opened up a tin of tomato soup and buttered a slice of bread. It reminded me of home, even though if I was at home I'd only have had a third of the can and half a slice of stale bread. I slowly ate the soup not under pressure by anyone's gaze to eat quickly.

Once I had washed my plate and put it away I began boiling water in a pot over the stove. Opening the presses I tried searching for what I needed. I found fresh ginger in the fridge, the Beta had fresh herbs in bags with labels on them in a drawer in the fridge I took pennyroyal and ajamoda out. Throwing the three ingredients into the pot I sighed, hopefully this would do something to help even though I didn't have the most important ingredients for the recipe. I'd have to somehow buy some of the ingredients the next time the Beta takes me out. I need this mixture to work, I couldn't get pregnant.

After leaving it to stew for an hour I took it off the ring straining it into a bottle. I'd tell the Beta that it was a human method to help with... ovulation? Yeah that'd work.

I picked up a book that the Beta had given me to read and I was two chapters in and was already dying from lack of interest. I rummaged through the stack of books until I found one with a title that struck me.

The hidden secrets about the moon goodness, well this should be a little bit more interesting to read.

I'm sorry about the long wait guys and I know this isn't the best chapter but I promise next chap will be better and I'll try and make sure it's longer. Hope you all had a great Christmas 🎄. Vote, comment and share if you feel like it.

Stay safe ~Ari

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