Bloody Sheets

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I was staring at a girl. She stood in front of me with no emotion on her face. She looked lifeless. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but I could only glance into her dull eyes for a few seconds because it was terrifying. They were hallow and lifeless. Her soul was gone. I moved my hand to place it on her shoulder in a comforting way but my hand was stopped as I touched a cold pane of glass.

It took me a few seconds to realise that this was my reflection. I couldn't stare into the mirror for too long because I was disgusted at what I'd become. My body was frail and thin, but a big nasty scar covered my neck making me nauseous. I let them do this to me. Tears brimmed my eyes seeing the weak person I was. But the girl in the mirror, her eyes didn't change. Her face didn't expose a flicker of sadness.

"Help me!" She whispered. I didn't know how she said that, my mouth didn't moved.

"Why won't you help me?" She screamed banging on the inside of the mirror. The loud noise made me jump.

"I can't leave I'm bound to him!" She sobbed. She was bound to the monster?

"But you can help!" She nodded to herself. And then I seen it. An emotion had flared inside of her eyes. It was a wild crazy look. She had lost it.

"Kill it!" She said while lifting up her shirt showing her rounded belly.

"Kill it, Kill it, Kill it, Kill it!" She began screaming hysterically. She shook her head side to side pulling her hair while letting out a shriek.

I quickly sat up beads of sweat rolling down my back. I heaved in deep lungfuls of air, that wouldn't happen to me I wouldn't let myself become a looper.

I felt something move beside me and turned to see the monster starting to stir before he opened his eyes. He smiled when he seen me, I didn't move. That's what they always advise you to do when a predator was watching you right? Not to make any sudden movements.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down on top of him. Well that advice is total bullshit. "Good morning my gorgeous mate," he whispered giving me a kiss with his nasty morning doggy breath. Of course the psycho didn't remember anything.

I pulled away with a disgusted face, he frowned not understanding why I wasn't enjoying his affection. "I just need to brush my teeth," I grumbled out moving to get out of the bed. I slowly pulled my legs over the side of the bed realizing how badly they'd been gashed. I gulped knowing I need to get out of this bed, thank god the bathroom was closest to me and I didn't need to turn and face the monster. With my back turned to him I slowly hobbled towards the bathroom. Seeing the shower I quickly made my way over to it twisting a knob turning it on. Picking up the toothbrush I put some toothpaste on it, we had neither at home. We used water and salt to kill off bacteria and then we'd use mint leaves with baking soda on them and just rub them against our teeth. I hadn't used a tooth brush in maybe three years.

I got in the shower brushing my teeth and I winced, the floor around me was red. The blood rolled off of me, my cuts kept bleeding. The door was suddenly thrown open as the Beta looked around the room quickly. His eyes zoomed in on me before quickly coming over.

"You're bleeding mate?" He was confused looking at the bloody water surrounding my feet.

"Yeah I was shaving the razor slipped," I lied. He knew I was lying but I didn't want to wake up that psychotic thing inside of him.

He nodded his head and began to strip. "What're you doing?" I asked. I turned around facing the wall when he dropped his boxers. The shower doors slid open the cold air danced across my body making the sting on my legs worse.

"Let me bathe you," he wasn't asking. I stood still while he lathered my hair with shampoo. We didn't have shampoo or conditioner at home.

He continued washing my body as I held my breath. Afraid to move as he neared my legs with his soapy hand. The blood was fully rinsed off of my upper leg now and he bent down looking at the cuts on the inside and front of my thighs. He looked up at me clenching his hands. "I'll go get the doctor," he rasped hopping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist. I stood underneath the spray of the shower head. The water was still warm. I sighed turning the water off getting out.

I walked back into the room to see the bloody sheets that I had slept in with the monster for the night. I couldn't find the clothes I had just stripped out of but I seen an oversized jumper and my underwear from the night before. I took the dirty sheets off of the bed not wanting to look at them anymore, I don't want a reminder. I need to forget.

The sheets lay in a pile at my feet as I sat at the edge of the bed. The beta came back in followed by the doctor. "Hello Lilah, could you lie back down on the bed for me please. The beta has asked me to take a look at recent claw marks on your legs," I slowly followed Marcus's instructions lying back on the bed. He glanced over at the Beta who nodded. It was his way of giving permission for the doctor to touch me.

Marcus's grimaced looking at the injuries. He'd done this every time he checked up on me. Winced, grimaced, shuddered. He opened up the medical case he had carried with him in and out of this room multiple times before. He took out cotton pads and soaked it in a liquid. He gently applied it to my gashes making me grimace this time. The Beta took a hold of my hand looking down at me with a face ridden with guilt.

"Okay Lilah I'm numbing your wounds so when I tell you now I want you to talk to your mate okay!" He took a needle out ready to start stitching. My lip wobbled a little scared of the needle. "Now!" He said. I looked up at the Beta once again, my mouth opened but the words froze on the tip of my tongue. What was I suppose to converse with this Were about?

"Beta Moloch.." I was quickly cut off by him.

"Donovan," he cleared his throat. "That's my name."

I nodded my head counting under my breath for the next hour while the monster held my hand. By the time Marcus was done re-wrapping all of my bandages I looked like a mummy. 

An update hope you enjoyed it, stay safe everyone ~ Ari

Oh and omg 12k reads you guys are amazballs thank you all for voting, commenting and adding this story to your reading list it really helps brighten my day and helps motivate me to keep writing x

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