Keep your paws to yourself!

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I gazed outside of the tiny window the size of an envelope. It wasn't the size of the window that irritated the life out of me, it was the metal bars that ruined my view that annoyed me. They had me trapped and under their control like they have done to the rest of my race for the past six years.

I could feel the hunger pains attack my tummy as I smelt the food that one out of the two guards that were permanently posted outside of my room gave me. They had called it a "prisoners meal" even though it was probably the best dinner I've seen in I don't know how long. They'd given me roast chicken, carrots and mashed potato. It sickened me that prisoners, most likely rapist and murderers ate better then my little brother ever has, he hasn't ever tasted proper meat unless it was out of a can, fish that I had illegally hunted was an exception. I couldn't bring myself to eat the food. I couldn't betray my people. I'd rather starve.

The door creaked open to reveal the monster I had only glimpsed at before he sank his canines into my defenseless neck. My eyes sloped into slits as he approached me. My eyes bulged out of their sockets when he wrapped his arms around me squeezing me tightly. I had expected something much more.... feral?

He looked into my eyes with his odd golden brown orbs before clearing his throat. "The guards have informed me that you haven't eaten any of the food they have offered you, why mate?" His voice was full of concern making me scoff.

"I don't feel like it," I said not looking at him my eyes focused on the door he had come in through.

He pursed his lips together in thought. "Okay mate but if we are to have healthy pups you need to put a bit of weight on your far to thin." He gently squeezed my shoulder making me snarl at him.

"Maybe I wouldn't be so skinny if your kind decided to treat us fairly!" My knuckles clenched as I thought about all the children I'd seen everyday standing outside school waiting to go in. How malnourished and weak they were. It was their fault.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He snappily asked. I didn't bother commenting on anything knowing I'd get riled up. I seen his jaw tighten in anger when he grabbed my jaw,his death grip made the bones under his fingers ache. "My kind has been nothing but generous to your race!" He grumbled out irritated.

Hearing him say that made a big booking laugh leave my body. Even though I was hysterically laughing I could see his eye twitch in anger. "Your race is so kind letting innocent children starve and waste away until they die, some children are even claimed as some mutts puppy mill it's disgusting!" I grimaced thinking back to the eight year old girl who had been ripped out of her parents arms at their door step as some mongrel claimed her as his mate.

"Mates belong together no matter their age, nothing sexual happens until the mate is of age for instance in a girls case when she bleeds for the first time it's a sign that she's compatible to mate," he tried clarifying but it left a bad taste in my mouth. Children shouldn't be taken from their parents for such a ridiculous reason.

"You can spew whatever bullshit you want, but I'm not buying it," My teeth clenched when his hand rested on my leg.

"There's no need to talk like that mate. If we were in a different scenario this could have been a happier moment to spend together but the council have yet to decide your punishment," he cleared his throat. His thumb rubbed back and forward on my thigh, I could feel the anger rise up in me.

"Get your hands off of me." My words had been muffled by my clenched teeth.

"You're mine! I can touch you if I want!" He was beginning to become aggressive and agitated. Deep down I wanted to push him and see what he's capable of, but did I really want to suffer the consequences?

"Piss off! I'll never have anything to do with you!" His eyes turned into slits when he heard me say that.

"You'll have everything to do with me, we belong together," my annoyed eyes bore into his and what I saw had me confused. I could see disgusting puppy love affection in those abnormal golden orbs. Not only was it weird but he had been so irritated with me moments ago that it was like a switch has flipped and now he was like most of the mangy mutts. Full of delusional unhealthy 'love'.

"I'd rather die then be with you." I meant it completely, it wasn't a life worth living as one of their.... mates? You were practically their bitch.

His hand suddenly wrapped around my throat making me gasp for air, his elongated talons pierced my skin and I could feel the hot blood slowly roll down my neck. "You are my mate. You will spend the rest of your life with me. You will respect me. You will bare my child and you will love me, you will love our family!" His pitch black eyes had me fearing for my life. I was staring into the soul of a monster.

My face was going purple from the lack of oxygen and I could feel myself getting lightheaded but I couldn't let him have the last word not if he was going to kill me.

"I'd die!" I smiled at him knowing I was pushing him over the edge.

He let go of my throat flinging me off of the bed and onto the floor. His body shook with anger as the snaps of bones could be heard as he gradually transformed into his true form, a beast. I crawled towards the door that was keeping me trapped in here with that mutt. I knocked on the door but no one came. Snarls came from behind me but I was scared shitless to look back. I felt by calf burn as he digs his claws into my leg trying to drag me back to him. I bashed frantically on the door screaming as his jaws locked around my lower leg I could feel his sharp teeth scraping across my shin. Then there was audible snap. I collapsed on the ground trying to pull my leg away from the monster as I screeched in agony.

"Help me he's going to kill me!" I sobbed out as fat tears rolled down my face whilst I could feel his sharp daggers of claws rip into my lower back. I felt something burst inside of me leaving me gasping.

The door swung open but I didn't even have the energy to look up. "Oh shit!" They ran into the room.

"Beta you must get off your mate she's in pain," their coaxing didn't work as he applied more pressure on my back snarls and growls leaving his furry body. One of them approached me while the other tried shoving the thing on top of me. My savior wrapped his hands around my wrist pulling me up when the beast let out a ground shaking growl thinking this man was taking me away from him. Something I wished they would. His jagged jaws sank into my thigh as he shook his head back and forward. I felt like a rag doll. My body jerked side to side as the man holding me tried to remove me from the dangerous jaws as my so called 'soul mate'. I don't know if it was from my head shaking so violently, from blood loss or from the pain but my head tilted forward as I was starting to slowly go unconsciousness. Last thing I heard was the murderous growls from the animal desperate to keep me and a much bigger growl from a bigger source.

"Oh thank god Alpha!" And finally nothing.

I'm really sorry for the long wait guys. I've had personal issues and I've lacked motivation lately, but tadahhhhhh I've finally whipped out a chapter. Hope you all enjoyed, love you all and stay safe.

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