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My eyes stung as the sun once again began to rise indicating a sleepless night. Watching the sun rise was the only thing that felt normal since I had become one of the Taken. When I worked on the farm lands that was a sight I was able to lie my eyes upon every morning happily. It was beautiful seeing the darkness being conquered by the light, and it all came in different colors. From light blue, pink, purple yellow and orange. The light wasn't seen straightaway no it's a gradual process that takes time.

Normally I would have a nap when the Beta left for work but I knew that wouldn't be the case today. An uneasiness was beginning in my stomach, today wasn't going to be a good one for me. I could hear him beginning to stir beside me and before I could tell he stood up with a big smile on his face. "Get ready! I want to get to the clinic as quickly as possible."

I slowly made my way into the bathroom, I turned the shower faucets as if I had no strength left in me. I wasn't in a hurry, I was sick of doing everything he asked. I put a pea size of toothpaste on my finger and acted like it was a toothbrush. The showers gently glided across my skin loosening my tense muscles. I was only now beginning to question what would happen to me when we would arrive at the place the Beta was eager to get to.

Although I was human my senses had heightened ever since I had been brought here. I didn't need to turn around to know he was in the bathroom with me.

"You need to hurry up." Was all he said while he began brushing his terrifying teeth.

I rolled my eyes taking in a deep breath before turning the water supply off. My little bit of peace ruined by him. I left the bathroom alone. An outfit was neatly laid out on my side of the bed. A very long dress with a high neckline and a cardigan to cover my arms. It wasn't the bruises he didn't want people seeing it was my skin. He believed that my face was the only thing people should really see of me in public.

I quickly got dressed while he wasn't in the same room. I could already feel myself beginning to sweat and we hadn't gone out into the heat. I took a deep breath in, before leaving the room. I looked down at the staircase before me, I wonder if I threw myself some them what would happen. Would my head bounce off of every step? What would he do? I cleared my head of those thoughts as I took the first step, I was half way down the stairs and I could see the front door.

Another step and I was that little bit closer. I reached the bottom step and I was still alone. If only it was as simple as just walking out the front door. I took a heavy step towards the door and looked down seeing the blinking red light with a scowl.

Walking towards the kitchen I clicked the kettle while glancing outside the window. A white butterfly flew passed going towards the big blue sky. I tried following it with my eyes but it had vanished, blending in with the floating fluffy clouds.

The loud noise from the roaring water broke me out of my unproductive staring. I poured the water into the cup that was occupying a tea bag. Slowly the transparent water was dominated by the color now coming from the tiny bag. "You won't be having any breakfast this morning."

"Why not?" His body stilled as he stood next to the stove. He wasn't use to me questioning him.

"Because I said so." Was his short answer as he began cracking eggs into his pan. The muscle in his arm flexed as he began to whisk, the white of his knuckles could be seen from his tight grip on the utensil.

"That's not really an answer," I retorted back sitting on a stool my fingers burning from the hot cup that I was strangling in my hands.

"You don't need an answer. When I say something you listen that's all! You don't need to know unnecessary things, I know what's best for you," I rolled my eyes hearing his words fall from his delusional lips. Having his fist aggressively kiss my flesh was good for me in his books and so was forcing himself on me.

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