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I couldn't fathom the idea of the extremes that Rowan went through to torture the Alpha that harmed his mate. Seven years was a long time to get creative. I didn't know how long I had been with Donovan but he had showed me how creative people can get. The name on my back was proof of that.

"You said we are going to get answers. Does that mean we're going to a library or something?" I asked trying to change the subject. He stared blankly at me. His eyes secretly questioning if I was serious or not.

"The type of answers that we are looking for won't be common knowledge that is available to my pack." Was his simple reply. Making me wonder why or if the answer we were looking for we're going to be good answers or not.

"Then where are we going?" I was almost coming accustomed to the feeling of being confused. It was something I loathed.

"We are going to an elder, an ex council member his name is Rub-" he was cut short by me jumping in.

"RJW?" The glowing initials still present in the inside skin of my lids.

"Yes, Rubin J. Wayland. How do you know his name?"

"The moon goddess showed me his initials and I read a page out of his book I remember his name now that you say it," I mused.

"Only a page, goddess you must be a slow reader," he teased trying to lighten the mood.

"I would have read more but beast boy confiscated it," I grumbled out kicking myself mentally as I admitted to the power he had over me.

I watched the scenery roll by outside my window. I had always loved the forest something I inherited from my father, he always smelled of the woods that were a few yards away from our back garden.

"Why do you hate us?" My eyes bulged at his random question. "I mean I've always wanted to hear a humans reasoning for hating us. Maybe even to hear the mistakes that was made or a resolution to fixing the problems."

My laugh echoed around us, I could see the confused glint in Rowan's eyes. He had flinched when I first start laughing. The sound that came from my mouth wasn't that of an amused tone but an ominous one.

"There is so many reasons to hate your kind. Your kind has created a system where my kind is oppressed all because your kind didn't have the patience or the respect to understand our set of values before this dystopia. You all practically forced the ideology of mates down our throats and expected use to swallow such a big pill obediently.

Our previous system before your kind was made with the conscious notion that we had choices. We had our own will and freedom to decide what we would do with our lives. Your kind couldn't understand that some people didn't want the life that comes with being a mate.

The reason I hate your kind is simple. The mistreatment of my race can not be justified, it was the Werewolves conscious decision to stay in hiding for thousands of years we did not oppress you or treat you with the persecution that we face daily! Our once safe homes are now dangerous slums. Woman are raped daily! People are murdered! My own father was murdered by a savage mongrel! You only recently assigned guards to sector two because of rebels, the safety of the vulnerable never consider for how many years? You can all act or pretend that you care or want to do better, you can try and fix the mistake but no bandage will ever make humans forgive or forget the cruelty of your kind." I hissed out my breath coming quicker than usual. My blood flared with hatred, the hatred that always simmered close to the surface of my orbs. Only visible if you were quick enough to catch it.

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