The book

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I opened the book and frowned, it looked like someone had a ripped out the first few pages. I read the pages that weren't torn out but I was still confused, it didn't make much sense.

After the Moon Goddess destroyed this vile abomination that walked the earth she left her children with these last words.

Viscous snarls, growls and bites
Break her down and kill her fight
You doubt her strength despite knowing
What I'll do, it'll chill your bones
Change your form so you can't hide
What they've know since your birthed night

Terror, nightmare, a feral fright
This is how they describe him
And they are right
A beast of nature hidden from sight
He'll take his roll as king it's his right

When this happens my children
I shall take your gift away
For his sin you will all pay.

I re-read the last prophecy of the Moon Goddess as the book had called it and I was full to the brim with questions. I tore the page out and stuffed it inside another book. Deep down I had a feeling that if the Beta seen me with this book it would be taken away. The book was old looking, like a forbidden book that people weren't suppose to know of. I slipped it back into the pile so it looked like I hadn't moved onto it yet. I picked up the next book on the enormous stack letting out a groan as I read the title, How to make life easier for your Mate.

I was twelve chapters into the ridiculous book that was explaining how a female should act as a mate. It was a bucket load of horse shit. I was currently on the chapter 'In Public' and I was horrified. The writer was basically explaining how if 'my' mate turned into a horny dog while we were in the streets I should lie down on my back on the dirty pavement with my legs spread open ready for him. The Beta walked into the room as I put the book down in disgust.

"Good evening Mate, how was your day?" He sat down beside me kissing my cheek.

"It was fine," I looked at him as he took the book out of my hand.

He nodded his head as he read the title, "I've heard these books are very educational."

I tried everything in my power to stop myself from rolling my eyes. It didn't work. But thankful it went unnoticed. "Did you know all of the books we use are written by our council members. There's more then the people you met at your hearing, there's many different groups when it comes to the council but they all have the right to write their own book. Within reason of course," his arm loosely hung over my shoulder. I was tense afraid of him, afraid of what he'd do if he found out what I had read or what I had made not too long ago.

"Who's Rubin J. Wayland?" My mouth instantly snapped shut when the Betas eyes pierced mine.

"How do you know that name?" He snapped.

I was trembling on the inside but it didn't portray in my voice. "It was just an author on one of the books, was just interested in knowing what part of the council they're all from," I evened out my breathes so he wouldn't be able to tell if I was lying because of  my irregular heartbeat.

"Rubin was a mad man who was banished from the pack life. Show me his book now," he stood up from the sofa glaring down at me.

"It's in one of the piles I don't know which one," I was mentally pinching myself for my big mouth. He picked up the book pursing his lips as he read the title.

"And you've read it?" He questioned me, I shook my head no. "Good well, even if you did he was a mad man and didn't know what he was writing about," he locked eyes with me before turning around. "Now what would you like for dinner?" He asked while heading into the kitchen.

"I don't mind," I grumbled out annoyed at myself. I was such an idiot. But one thing I found from it all was it struck a nerve within him and I'd find out why.

"How about chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli and carrots? That'd be light enough for you to eat right?" I rolled my eyes as his voice travelled from the room he was in to my ears.

My eyes began to sting as I thought of Beau and my Nana, a wave of homesickness rolling through me. I couldn't help the sob that came from my lips or the tears that rolled down my face. I put my head in my hands as I cried, I didn't even hear him enter the room but I felt his hand on my back making me cry even harder.

"Hey mate what's wrong?" His voice was concerned but I cried as I felt every wound he caused me to burn. The separation of my family left the worst wound on my heart by far.

"I miss my family," I sobbed through hiccups. He pulled me into his chest rubbing my back, I was so desperate for any form of interaction in my vulnerable state that I let him hold me.

"Hey mate I'm here for you now I'm your family. But I'm sorry, I understand how you must feel I've no parents," he whispered out.

I pulled away from him standing up. "You're not the same!" I shouted. I ran out of the room crying as I went upstairs. I locked myself in the bathroom, turning the shower on I slid down the wall letting the water run over me. I kept banging my head off of the wall as I cried. The room began to spin as I hit my head to hard making me fall against the floor. I couldn't hear anything except for the ringing in my ears. My eyes began to droop, the door swung open and my blurred vision had me seeing four versions of the Beta. His lips moved but I couldn't hear his voice properly it sounded foggy and unclear. He pulled me up by my hands dragging me by my underarms and began stripping my wet clothes off before sliding me into the bed and covering me with the duvet. My eyes dropped and everything was silent. I couldn't hear anything and I couldn't see properly.

Someone moved my eyelids back and a light was beaming in them making me flinch away. I realized that doctor Marcus was in the room with the pacing agitated beast. I could hear a little now but I didn't focus on what they were saying. A light tap to my face gained my attention as I looked at Marcus.

"You hit your head pretty badly," he grumbled out. Even though I wasn't looking at the Beta I could feel his piercing gaze from where he stood in the shadows behind Marcus.

Marcus handed me a glass of water and some painkillers. "Thanks Doc," I quickly took them hoping they'd take the pain in my head away.

Marcus handed me a little container filled with capsules with I don't know what inside of them. "These are going to help you stay healthy alive and you'll heal quicker," he told me while checking the rest of my old wounds.

"What are they?" I croaked out looking at the tablets frowning. The red liquid inside wasn't very appealing.

"They're Were cells from your mate's blood, they'll help your body," his eyes glanced into mine and I knew I was to take them without questioning anyone.

"You seem fine now Lilah, I'd just advise you to take it easy. I'll be around to check on you tomorrow," he announced while walking out the door.

Leaving me under the questioning glare of my so called soul mate.

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