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His eyes left a burning feeling of uncertainty racking my body as they bore into me. I gulped internally wanting to fold in on myself but the small hands that fisted my top tightly made me stand tall unmoving. The static buzz of energy charged the air, it caressed my skin like that of an experienced lover.

"That is not the reason!" She shrieked pushing him away from her with a noise of displeasure.

"You never were very good at hearing the truth," he tutted at her.

"It is not true! Soulmates are a gift, a beautiful gift that I created!" She raged shaking her head in disbelief.

"Don't tell me Selene you are that shallow to believe that you created soulmates." The scoff was thick in his voice as he pinned his eyes on the agitated female.

"You are my soulmate the other half of me, created by our creators. You can not claim to be an inventor, I think the term imposter suits you better. You claim our creators gift as your own, then you claim my role as gift bringer as yours too. You might be otherworldly by these mortals stand points but you are not as mighty of a God as you paint yourself to be."

Her silence was her answer and he took it as reasoning to continue.

"Fraud and a thief is what you should be know for really. You should have remembered the teachings of value before we're granted ascension. One can not successfully impersonate another's trait. I'm just surprised it had gone on for this long before it back fired on you. The balancing scales have been tipped in your favor for too long, it was the Universe's way of speaking volumes of your wrong doing by having your makeshift gift of a soulmate be your undoing. You will wish you killed me all those many years ago."

The anger overtook the beautiful Goddess staining her face in an ugly way. She gripped her other half's face kissing him. Those watching from a distance would mistake it as passion but I could tell it was with hate. A radiance began to glow from within her as the bright orbit began to grow the atmosphere became more oppressive, sickly even.

I could feel a wave of anxiousness hitting me as I turned to look at Beau, we needed to get to safety. Before I could say anything the light exploded from within her with immense force knocking us to the ground like a bomb.

I lay on my back from the impact trying to catch my breath. An unbearable ringing nestled in my ears that enabled me from hearing. With panic I moved to find my brother a few feet away from me. Crawling I made my way to him, his small body limp and his eyes closed.

My mouth opened but I could not hear what I was saying. The fright began to build as I tapped him on the face. I could vaguely hear my voice as though I was under water calling his name. I lifted him into my arms checking for a pulse when he profusely began to cough. I hugged him to my chest as the hot tears I hadn't noticed fall collected together on my chin before soaking his t-shirt.

"I'm okay," he whispered and I could hear him fine.

I looked around us and people were beginning to come around like we had after the incident. Donovan was slumped over in the distance but I could see the rise and fall of his shoulders. There was a charred patch where the gods had stood. Where the were now was a mystery.

The mystery was soon solved as another burst of light much like lighting shot from the ground up into the sky. They were close by in the forest and too close for comfort.

"Quickly Beau we need to get out of here!" My voice shook and I didn't pretend to hide how terrified I was.

I clambered to my feet as fast as possible. Gripping my brothers hand we made our way to the car that was now further away than it had been before. The whines of men and beasts in pain made me quicken my step.

I tried finding comfort feeling the cold metal door handle in my hands. Opening the door I tried helping Beau into the car when I felt giant pins sinking into my lower calf. I let out a blood curdling scream when jaws clamped down even hard and pulled me on to the floor. The look of Horror was splattered across my brothers face as he saw me being dragged away, fat tears costing his face.

The pain was excruciating I could feel the beasts teeth gnawing against my bone. I reeled my other foot back and kicked the wolfs snout as many times as I could until I was freed. I knew who it was as I saw this Mutt watch me many of times before. It was Emmet. He snarled at me snapping his jaws in intimidation.

A growl roared from the sky as lighting illuminated around us. The rain began to pour making it harder for me to keep myself up right in the rain.

"Your mate is lucky she got an easy way out of being your mate!" I rubbed it in wanting to hurt him as much as he had hurt and betrayed me.

He launched at me, aiming for one place in particular. My plump abdomen. His sharp claws sunk into me as I screamed out, his snarling snout pressed against my nose as he dragged his claws down my stomach to my pelvis.

I could see a brilliance of light shoot towards the sky once more as the Gods fought. I could see Beau in the distance shouting for help to those in the clearing. My eyes drooped as my body was draining from energy. A weight was lifted from me as Emmet was tackled. The whimpers and howls that left him let me know he was in a great deal of pain.

I could feel someone slapping my face trying to gain my attention, it was Donovan. His face covered in blood and I knew it was not his own. I could feel something warm in my mouth. I began coughing and the taste of metallic didn't leave my mouth.

I could see the terror written on Donovan's face as he struggled with what to do. His lips moved but I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. He scooped me up into his arms and quickly rushed towards his car. The back door was already open as he me slid me across the backseats . I tried to fight the urge to close my eyes.

I could feel the engine beginning to start and we quickly pulled away. The speed of the car did not help me in the slightest in my current state.

"Lilah, stay with me okay! We are going to get help now okay!" The alarm was clear in his voice. He worried I wasn't going to be okay.

As I lay there I looked straight up out the window towards the Moon. It was slowly beginning to lose its white pure colour and it began to bleed red.

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I know short chapter but better than nothing am I right?!

This book is not over it will be a series but I hate how it is written I began writing this at the age of fifteen and my writing style has changed so much since then. So this story will be getting redrafted and I promise you it will be a thousand times better with more dimension, depth and plot driving factors. Hope you enjoyed this chapter though.

Love you all so much!

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