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I stood still, shock clouding my eyes not grasping what she had just told me. Humans she created my race. Did werewolves know this? Why didn't we know this?

She smiled her glistening teeth glinting at me like the stars above. "You need to go now Lilah, make sure you hold your breath."

I frowned opening my mouth about to ask her why when I was suddenly thrown into the sea by an invisible force. I quickly broke the surface of the water taking a deep breath before I was plunged back under. The water was so dark I couldn't see anything. My lungs screamed and my heart thrashed around in my ribcage. The burn in my throat was the reminder of the desperate need to breath. My lids began to droop, unconsciousness slowly taking over. My tired eyes picked up on something glowing in front of me, they were letters RJW.

Something cold touched against my feet, it slowly began pushing me upwards. The icy feeling that licked my soles felt similar to when the Moon Goddess kissed me. It was her energy pushing me forward. I was surrounded by bright blue waters, I looked upwards to see the surface of the water above. The silver and gold moon glowed vibrantly, the closer I approached the surface the brighter it shined.

My head broke through the rippling water, coughing hysterically. The letters RJW were burned into my eyelids, they vividly glowed every second I closed my eyes. Hands grabbed onto my wrists heaving me out of the water. I was roughly dragged out of the pool of glowing water. I lay on my back breathing heavily. I turned my head to see people praying. They sat on their heels with their forehead pressed to the ground and their hands outstretched in front of them. Their chants and cries echoed throughout the temple, passing on their message of worship to their Goddess.

I sat up slightly my eyes catching the radiating and pulsing moon painting on the ceiling that I could see clearly even when in the water. The Alpha sat observing me carefully. He had no words to describe what he just witnessed. I was curious as to what he had witnessed while I was not present. We stared at one another, neither one of us breaking the stare. I could see the doubt in his eyes as to if it was real. It was not until his eyes glazed over did I look away. Behind me I could hear the footsteps of people retreating at the commands of their Alpha.

"One minute I felt your presence beside me and then you're in the pool slowly sinking. I tried to grab your hands but the water was so cold it burned and then it began to freeze over. The whole top layer of water froze over but it was crystal clear, I could see you at the bottom of the pool. You didn't panic not even for a second, you almost looked at peace-" His voice was full of disbelief and confusion.

"How are you alive?" He whispered not able to grasp the thought of me surviving.

"I was only under for a few seconds," I reasoned with him.

"No Lilah, you were under the water for over a half an hour maybe even past forty minutes." His head shook from side to side, his mouth still slightly agape.

"She wants me alive." I whispered out. I hadn't realized what I said but I knew he had heard me.

"Why does the Moon Goddess want you alive?" Curiosity swam through his dark orbs. Waiting to drink in the answer that I could give him.

"Did you know we were her first children? Humans, my kind are her first creation. You praise her and yet your kind have mistreated her children so badly." I couldn't help but snarl at him the hatred that had brewed within me for years shinning through the cracks of my patience. I was adapting their mannerism, snarling and showing teeth was not a common human trait, I mentally scolded myself.

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