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The twinkling fluorescent lights danced across the diners ceiling. I sat across from the Beta glaring definitely. His lip was curled back revealing his feelings towards the blatant act of disrespect. The Diner is now a wordless graveyard now that the Beta and I entered.

My stomach rumbled loudly as a waiter slowly came down to take our order. The Beta was glancing over the menu as if he didn't know what he wanted.

"I'll have the soup of the day with a bread roll," I ordered for myself before he could stop me.

The waiter stood frozen as black eyes looked into mine. I could see his jaw knot together as he clenched his teeth.

"You're taking too long which is irritating me in my hormonal state."

"My mate will have what she ordered and I will have the eighteen ounce rib eye blue, onion rings, all the veg and extra fries."

My eye twitched at his order. I thought about the children that could be fed with that amount of food in sector two. Beau's whole class might have been able to get a full belly out of that order, something they aren't use to.

I avoided eye contact with him not wanting to talk to him, we hadn't talked much in the hospital. My eyes felt gritty from the tiredness, we had waited twelve hours for all the test results to come back. The babies were measuring up to around eighteen weeks.

The news still hasn't settled with me yet, how could they possibly be that developed yet?  The doctors decided that I would be monitored twice a week so that my health and the babies was properly taken care of.

I looked at the Beta who held the ultrasound pictures in his hand. His finger etched across the features that could be seen of the devolving little beings. A ghost of a smile had been glued to his face since he heard the heart beats for the first time. I could see the adoration in his eyes as he absorbed the photos, memorizing every detail to his brain.

I wasn't sure how I felt about them. Ever since I found out they were successful implanted and growing I felt trapped in limbo. I was not only in a state of shock but denial. For so long I had told myself that I would never carry a Were child because their race were monsters, but what if my children were different. What if they grew up to be like Beau or myself? Both children with a mother who initially never wanted them but she was devoted and loved them with all her heart even if she didn't believe it.

In the six weeks that I had to myself, I thought a lot with no distractions. If I was to paint the whole werewolf race with the same brush and call them monsters, I would have to do the same with humans. Werewolves justified their use of oppression and segregation on us because the different genetics we had, but humans for hundreds of years done the same thing to minority's without any excuse.

I came to the conclusion that both races had faults, what I would morally teach my children is what mattered, because that is what counted in society. Strong morals. My children would grow up with a voice of power in their society and their morals would tell them the right way in how to use it.

"How are you feeling?" His deep voice rumbled from across the table.

"I'm fine still shocked," I grumbled giving him an honest answer.

"Likewise, didn't think you would be this far along with our pups. I guess I was expecting a longer pregnancy because you're human." His hand reached across the table and rested on mine making me glare.

"Is there many successful human and Were pregnancies?" It was something I was always curious about since we weren't educated much about the mixed pairing.

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