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The atmosphere was thick and heavy, it birthed another strength for my monster to grow from. It's hands tightened around my neck as its claws of insecurity and worry clung on, leaving me with unwanted thoughts. Domination pungently hung in the air as the Alpha and the Beta sat across from one another. Both with dark eyes glaring at the other, neither willing to back down first. I coughed slightly as my dry toast found it hard to find it's way into my stomach. Both dangerous fixed looks were upon me. I could practically hear the monster laughing in my ear as my heart pumped faster. My monster thrived from my nervousness.

"You are to resume your normal post today. I will be taking Lilah with me to the Temple of the Mother while you are absent," the Alpha told the Beta.

"Why are you taking my mate there?" He scoffed in annoyance.

"I believe that Lilah would be able to learn quiet a bit of information about us by going. Plus it could help her heal, after your stupid move last week." There was an undertone of a snarl in the Alphas voice.

"She does not need to go there to heal. It is pointless thinking she'll learn anything about us, she doesn't have the desire to," he spoke matter of factly.

"I think it'd be a great experience for me to have, especially now because of-" I didn't continue my sentence as my hand lay against my stomach. He glared at me not knowing what I was playing at. I needed to be smarter and a lot more careful about this game I was playing with Donovan. If I played it right I might just get out of this alive, a plus would be taking his life while doing so.

"Go get dressed Lilah, we'll be leaving in twenty minutes." I stood up from my seat and walked towards the stairs.

It wasn't long before his presence was lurking in the doorway. "You didn't think you'd be picking your own outfit did you?" He grunted our approaching me.

My eye twitched, the physical evidence of how low of a tolerance I had for him. "Since when would you know what's comfortable for me? Don't you care if your pregnant mate is comfortable or not?" My innocent eyes didn't fool him.

He bared his teeth at me threateningly. My heart thumped a little faster seeing the fangs of danger glint at me. I was surprised to see him picking an off the shoulder dress for me, it came a little past my knee. The shock of him wanting to expose my skin woes off when I understood why, he wanted my scars on show. The evidence that I belonged to him in his eyes. I put the dress on and it clung to me, he forced me towards the mirror. I could see the evidence of the things inside me, my stomach was plumper than it was before. I knew it wasn't from food because I hadn't eaten anything. His fingers ran across his name that was etched into my exposed skin. I looked at him through the mirror, the sun shone through the window beautifully. He looked sinister as he was casted in shadows and they loomed over me, swallowing me whole. My skin was healing quicker than usual something I needed to ask the Alpha about. He turned me to face him, his burning lips touched mine. His bruising kiss made me feel nauseous, he pulled away from me growling mine in my ear. His hand caged my own dragging me back down the stairs.

The Alpha stood waiting by the open door, his eyes didn't look at me but glared at Donovan. The weight at my hand disappeared and I walked through the door. The Alpha loudly shut the door without anyone muttering a goodbye. I followed closely behind the powerful being in front of me, he opened the door to his car rushing me in.

Silence filled the car as I fiddled with my fingers feeling uncomfortable.

"Why didn't you ring me?" He asked lifting the hushed surroundings. I began to think of an answer for him only to realize that I didn't have one.

"I don't know. I knew Markus could look after my wounds, I didn't want him to know that I trust you." I admitted looking out the window.
The trees zipped past us and shadows with four legs could be seen enjoying the dense forest. "Where exactly are we going Alpha?"

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