The Worry

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I watched as my cake slowly began to rise in the oven. It is such a delicate process, the heat slowly injecting itself into the mix helping it grow, but with interference the whole process crumbles. The cake caves in on itself.

"You need to get up, the cold tiles aren't good for the pups." He scowled seeing me crossed legged on the floor.

I rolled my eyes ignoring him, his hand clamped around my bicep hauling me up harshly. "Go set the dinning table," he disregarded my irritation turning to the stove.

I deliberately made noise watching his body tense as the metal noise of the cutlery assaulted his sensitive ears.

I headed into the room adjacent to the kitchen, it held long windows that let the light stream in and an oval wooden table the sat six people. I neatly set the table with the placemats, making sure every seat had a glass and a knife and fork.

I stood there staring out the window admiring the birds with their wings spread out wide. Two birds happily glided together moving to a tune that I could not hear. I laughed seeing the pair interact with one another, they almost looked like they'd been dancing.

The shrill that floated around the house broke me from my trance. I quickly walked towards the door only to have my waist tackled by small arms making me smile instantly. I could feel his dark eyes analysing how tightly Beau hugged me, as if he could hurt me.

I picked Beau up placing him on my hip. I noticed the Betas mouth open about to protest but I turned quickly fleeing into the dinning room. Footsteps followed as I sat Beau down in the seat beside my own. Soon my Nana, Emmet and the Alpha all took to the various seats around the table.

"Mate will you help me lift up the dinner?" It sounded like a question. Yet there was no space for a negative response. I stood from my seat watching his wide shoulders as he walked in front of me. He had tension in his back making me wonder why. We dished up the meal in silence, I enjoyed it that way. The soothing sound of nothing kissing my ears in his presence.

I carried two plates inside while the Beta skillfully placed two plates on each thick arm. My eyes met my Nana's and I realised how little I had talked to her since they arrived from sector two. The steam raised from each plate and my stomach rumbled in anticipation from the delicious smell.

A little laugh broke the tense silence and I glanced beside me. Beau showed off his missing teeth with a grin. "Li-Li your belly sounds like a lion! You should eat."

I smiled releasing a small laugh of my own at his oblivious childlike nature. "Well I bet I can finish all of my dinner faster than you!" Beau's face changed automatically to a much more serious expression at the thought of the challenge.

He quickly picked up his fork digging in to his food. "We'll see," he whispered before he began shovelling food into his mouth. I kept smiling, a hand resting on my own distracted me from my little brother. I looked over to the Beta who watched me and my brother fondly. The genuine smile quickly disolved and was replaced by a nervous one. The males in the room began to chatter amongst themselves about pack business and I simply drowned them out.

"Lilah?" I blinked, my eyes traveling to the speaker. Everyone was focused on me and I realised that I has zoned out of reality. "Why are you wearing your collar? I told Donovan that it was no longer necessary."

My head quickly swivelled to look at Donovan in questioning. His face was a calm sea, I was a simple onlooker waiting to see what choppy waves would soon lay ahead. It was only because I was sitting in close proximity to him that I noticed the slight twitch of his lip. "I think I have the right to decide whether or not to keep the collar on my mate don't I?" His eyebrow lifted while accompanying his question.

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