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The book that I had been reading rested on my swollen stomach. The Alpha had given me many books that had been confiscated in the pack Library's but Rubin had salvaged them and kept them secure in his hidden home.

The book I was currently reading told me of the known knowledge about Lycans, which was very vague. Silver wasn't fatal to them it was something like a nettle sting to them, maybe a fraction more serve. It was sore to them, would leave scarring on their skin and makes the healing process slower but it didn't cause much lethal damage. A werewolf on the other hand with too much silver in their system could die without medical care. They only had one significant weakness Lycoctonum or also known as Wolfsbane which has nearly gone extinct. No common knowledge of knowing where to find some.

Rowan had explained to me that silver wouldn't work on the pups growing inside of me. Which lead to the argument on how else I could rid myself of them. No Doctor would preform an abortion no matter the circumstances with the Alphas orders or not. It went against their beliefs, it was a gift from the Mother herself to bless someone with a child, it was their belief that the moon goddess wouldn't gift someone with a pregnancy if they couldn't survive it. The more births the more pack members the stronger the pack. If an Alpha so much as asked for an abortion to be carried out it would be looked upon as mutiny against the order of their Pack and their Goddess, the pack would have the right to dethrone the Alpha and punish him as the superior council would see fit, more than likely it would mean death. An Alpha mauled to death by their own pack.

I felt like a prisoner carrying out a punishment in isolation. For six weeks now I haven't seen anyone, the Alpha was busy formulating his plan and Emmett I assumed was banned from the Betas house. The Beta himself hasn't shown his face since I carved my name into his back. I've woken up to a cold bed every morning and no traces of someone else being in the house. I went to bed by myself , it was like living alone. I knew he slipped beneath the sheets at some point in the night but never disturbing me. The only time I heard anyone else's voice was my evening phone call with my Nana and Beau to make sure that they were safe.

I felt something like butterflies move in my stomach making me consciously look down at my bump. Something from the inside pressed against my skin and I could visibly see it. I gulped nervously deciding to ignore the movement not wanting to torture myself with all the different possible explanations. I know I shouldn't feel any movement and my belly shouldn't be so round so early on in the pregnancy. The only time I had ever witnessed a full termed pregnancy intimately was when my mother was expecting Beau.

The house was quiet except for the light rustling from my Nana in the kitchen. I sat waiting for the door to open and my father to step through the threshold. I told myself I would go straight up to bed once he was home, I'd get a full nights sleep without  the teeth of worry gnawing on my insides. I glanced at the clock realizing he was two hours later than he normally was.

Movement beside me gained my attention. It was my mother who was pressing her hand against her swollen stomach. Probably feeling the baby's foot or fist press against her.

"What does it feel like being pregnant?" I asked curiously.

She looked at me contemplating whether or not to tell me what she was thinking.

"It's a strange feeling, a feeling I hate quiet frankly. You know I never wanted to be a mother, finding out I was pregnant almost killed me. When I found out I was pregnant with you I got straight in my car and drove to the closest abortion clinic. I sat outside in my car for three hours trying to build the nerve to go in."  She folded her arms across her chest leaning forward. Her eyes held a coldness to them that I didn't want to recognize.

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