The cousin

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"Becoming a mother is one of life's greatest gifts. Each child is a blessing from our Goddess, she let's us experience what it is like to be a parent. Those of you that have difficulty conceiving our doctors can help you, everyone deserves the chance to have their own family-" I could feel his eyes crawling over me as Madam Olc went on at the top of class. He kept glancing down at my stomach I noticed him doing it a lot as if hoping that it'd swell showing the signs of his 'pups'.

A giant bruise covered the side of my face. He had bashed my head into the shower wall while he took advantage of me a few nights ago. He had used me everyday when he got home from work right after dinner. I stopped fighting, feeling empty inside. He was beginning to grow rougher, my face wasn't the only place that was marred by ugly purple, blue, green and yellow marks.

His hand squeezed my thigh and I didn't pull away. He would have no problem beating me to a pulp and a man gets to treat their mate anyway they please with no interference, unless it's from the Alpha. He was forcing me to read the books hoping to indoctrinate me into his societies beliefs. But I could see right through their ridiculous ideologies. Gender played a huge role in their culture. A male was to care of his female and even in the rare case of having a human mate, if that human was a male he was to work and only with his permission could his female mate have a job.

"- I have been blessed with seven beautiful and healthy children. It is an honor having them as a sign of the love my mate I have for one an other," her words made me cringe. It was common for the Weres to have big families, a family with only four children was considered very small.

I didn't listen to the rest of the lesson Madam Olc's voice was blurry but I could hear the bell scream perfectly. I was scared of being left alone with the Beta but I wasn't exactly safe in public either. There was nothing or no one who could stop him from beating me to a pulp or raping me in the streets. We began walking outside of the classroom but a voice stopped us.

"Beta could I speak with you for a moment-" her eyes cut across to my empty ones, "-alone please."

"Go wait outside the door." The door was left slightly ajar but I could not make out anything they said. Their hushed voices stopped and the Beta pulled the door wide open wearing a face like thunder. My bicep was snatched in his tight grip dragging me from the building.

The silence inside the car was crushing I didn't know what to do or what to say, so I sat there as quiet as a mouse. We pulled up outside of the house and the Beta cut the engine off, but he didn't move. He sat still for a moment his eyes staring at the woods behind the house. "Why aren't you pregnant yet?" My heart dropped hearing his question.

"I don't know maybe there's something wrong with me that I can't-" I was interrupted before I could finish.

"No the doctors took a screening and ran some test while you were unconscious after your accident," he glanced over at me. "They told me you should be pregnant within the first month and it's closing up to that now. I'm going to make an appointment with the doctors." He opened his door getting out of the car coming around to take me out as well. The guards that normally stood posted outside my door sat on plastic chairs watching us, they were always there. Another set of guards came to take over during the night.

Silence was something that I had become accustomed to, but it wasn't always comforting. Bad thoughts had slowly began to creep into my mind. Like a poison negativity was slowly starting to eat away at the inside of my head and I couldn't see anything optimistic for the future.

"A cousin of mine is coming for dinner tonight I except you to be on your best behavior," he warned. It had become a routine that we sat side by side while he worked on his computer and I read one of the books that he had picked out for today.

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