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Silence, nothing else consumed me except the silence and I did not find it comforting. My tongue tingled while my throat tightened along with my chest and stomach.

"What do you mean?" My voice wavered but the incredulous concrete expression on my face didn't.

"Rowan and I, we're going to get you out of here! You've been to Rubins bunker we have hundreds of bunkers similar to that across the country! We're going to get you out of here safely," his eyes blazed brightly despite the natural dark color to his eyes.

An unsettling jarring noise echoed through the kitchen, Emmett took a hastily step back the look of horror slashed his face. The noise I hadn't recognized was a laugh, my laugh but it didn't sound like me.

"Why would you even think that you would be able to get me out of here?" Tears slowly began to pool at the edge of my bottom lashes, ready to fall.

"We will get you out! I will get you out, I promise!" He took my face in between his hands gently but firmly to know that he wasn't going anywhere.

"Trust me Lilah please," he whispered his thumb quickly catching a rogue tear that escaped.

I closed my eyes tightly taking a deep breath trying to reign my emotions in. I was feeling overwhelmed, the sound of blood began to rush in my ears. Emmett's mouth moved but I couldn't hear what he was saying.

My chest felt tight as it constricted my rabid heartbeat. I could feel the aggressive beat in my throat that was dry much like my mouth. I clutched at my chest as my breathes came in queasy, the inability to breath making me feel on the brink of death. I looked at Emmett to help me but my vision was blurred, and I was seeing multiple of him.

With shakes raking my limbs I pushed past him towards the the backdoors. The cold metal of the door handle hurt my skin but I quickly pushed past it throwing myself outside the house into the back garden.

The sun softly kissed my face and the beautiful summer air caressed my airways as my greedy lungs took plentiful in. I put my hands behind my head taking deep breathes in closing my eyes. I listened to my surroundings only to be enveloped by blissful silence. The only sound I focused on say my breath.

I eventually could hear light foot falls and I was quiet surprised at how elegant Emmett was when walking for the sheer mass of him.

"How can you ask me to trust you when I can't even trust myself," I kept my eyes closed peacefully feeling the sun bathe my face and the wind softly whisk at my hair.

"It's a gamble you have to take Lilah, just like the one the rest of us are making to get you out," he tried reassuring me as his hand softly gripped my shoulder.

"We can be free, your family can get out of this place and I'll be there to protect all of you," I could feel him inch closer to me as he embraced me from behind.

I looked around the back garden my eyes cautiously looking around the back garden unsure of who could be lurking near by. Taking one last deep breath in I turned and headed back inside.

"What's your plan to get me out of here?" I couldn't believe that they were even considering getting us out.

"There are up to a thousand bunkers throughout the country that we know of that we could use while navigating our way through the underground tunnel system."

"How do you know that Donovan doesn't know about the underground tunnels?" I questioned quizzically.

"I can't tell you what he does or doesn't know, I'm not a mind reader. However Rowan has the only documentation about the tunnel system, he's destroyed all other records and has kept only one. He won't be able to find you!" He tried his hardest to convince me but I still wasn't on bored.

"Where do we go from the there then? You don't expect me to raise my children in isolated bunkers do you?" My gut was churning at all the dangers that came with leaving. Many intrusive thoughts rattled my head but I wouldn't voice them.

His eyes assessed me quietly while his lips were firm like a rock. He meditated on what I had just said. I could clearly see the look of judgment flutter through his penetrating gaze. It was quick, but I had caught it.

"We travel to Canada that's the plan, they have more human rights there than we do here. You'll be safe there under their protection laws because of the abuse that you have suffered at the hands of your mate," the uncertainty leaked through his words.

From where I stood in the kitchen I could see Beau watching the TV quietly in the sitting room. His pure eyes engrossed at what was happening on the screen.

"What would life be like in Canada?" I whispered almost afraid to hear what he had to say.

"I'd protect and provide for you, we will be a family," my heart froze in my chest at his words.

I would be fleeing this life of chains only to be chained to another male wolf. One who had deep feelings for me and was persistent on having me even though I did not feel the same. I would never be free or independent, I would never be really allowed to make my own decision. It was evident in the way he talked about me escaping I did not have any influence, he didn't ask for my opinion, he decided my fate

"Don't you want to get out of here?" He whispered lowly in my ear as I blinked the tears away focusing on what matters.

Beau is what mattered the most. He could still live a normal life, I could help him have a normal life. The land of hope was a land where I was sure Beau was protected by government law as a human, from the sounds of it Canada had that.

"Yes," I rasped out feeling breathless.

I was not doing this for me, I was doing it for him.

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Let me know your thoughts on this chapter?

It was pretty much a continuation of the last chapter but I wanted to get the previous chapter out ASAP.

It's short but hopefully insightful.

Love y'all stay safe

~ Ari 🖤

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