The classroom

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"It is a blessing to be a mate!" The werewolf bitch droned on at the top of the classroom. "Some of you may not know-" she glanced at me the only human mate in the room. "-But each mating pair has their souls combined by the Moon goddess! It is her gift unto us! How extraordinary is that!"

I rolled my eyes as the Beta rubbed his thumb back and forward over my hand. I wouldn't look at him even though I could feel his eyes burning holes at the side of my face. I kept my eyes focused on Madam Olc, I needed to act like I was learning in this class if I ever wanted to leave that poxy house.

"Now I'm positive you have all completed the mating process," her calculating gaze swept the room. "Good well I will be demonstrating on my mate what the female's duty is to please her mate," the blood drained from my face when a man walked in pecking her on the lips.

"Girls when your mate comes home from work it's your duty to relieve him of stress. He has been out all day providing for you, you must show gratitude!" The man sat in a chair and began to unbuckle his belt. I felt my stomach drop, they were actually making me watch this?

The Beta leaned over his lips an inch away from my ear. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about mate," I glanced around the room to see the werewolf couples look on as if it was normal. I knew I was meant to watch what was going on at the top of the classroom but I just stared at the wall pretending that I was paying attention. After a few minutes moans filled the classrooms and unintentionally I witnessed Madam Olc being screwed by her mate on her desk.

My mouth hung open in horror I closed my eyes tightly when a ripple of pain zapped my neck and went through my body. I glanced at the Beta and seen the little silver remote in his hand and a disapproving look on his face. 'Watch' he mouthed grabbing my chin and turning my head towards the scene. I watched as the the female Were was taken from behind by her mate. She saw me watching and smiled.

I closed my eyes tight I couldn't look at this any longer! A burning feeling viscously spread across my scalp as the Beta stood behind me his hand fisted in my hair. "I told you to watch," he seethed out.

I nodded my head watching through blurry eyes. This is what he wanted. My submission. I will give it to him to a certain extent. I kept my eyes glued to the performance happening in front of me while I fidgeted feeling uncomfortable. Finally the bell rang signaling the end of this class.

"I want you to practice what you learned today and report back to me next class," she called out taking deep breaths.

The Beta clamped my hand in his dragging me down the the hallways. I was in a confused trance as we walked out of the building and got out of the car. The Beta shoved me in the car and put my belt on. What had I just witnessed?

The slam of the door made me jump as he got in the car and roughly turned the key in the ignition. "You embarrassed me," his voice was ice cold. I stayed quiet not knowing what to say. Then like it had earlier the zapping pain spread through me but a lot stronger then it had. My eyes widened and my body tensed, the blood rushed to my head as the pain riddled my body making me scream. "I want an apology!" He roared. When I wasn't quick enough he pushed the button on the remote but this time it wasn't as strong. My mouth was slack from the pain that kept coming in waves. "Apologize, say I'm sorry Donovan!" He barked out grabbing the back of my neck pulling me towards him until our noses touched and I could see the fury in his eyes.

"I'm s-sorry Donovan," my lips trembled as I spoke. The moment those words left my mouth he'd pulled me into his lap, cuddling me.

"It's okay baby just don't do it again. I don't like having to hurt you," he lied.

I knew he liked having power over me and that's what that tiny little remote gave him. It was his power over me, his way of forcing me to submit. He wanted me to be submissive and didn't care if he hurt me while trying to do so.

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