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I stacked all the plates clearing off the dinner table, looking at the seats that were occupied only moments ago. The hallow feeling of loneliness settled in like it always did after Beau and Nana left with their chaperone, Emmett.

Things had been weird the past few days between Emmett and I ever since he mentioned fleeing. I had been distant and jittery around him not knowing how to act knowing his intentions to start a life with me.

Although he had me sign a claiming contract I didn't think that would ever happen, I was naive I would convince myself that I would flee with my family and Philip. We would have started a family together, but there is no escaping wolves.

I shuddered thinking about how his eyes had never left me the moment he stepped through the doorway earlier that day.

Carrying the plates into the kitchen I put them in the sink filled with suddy hot water. I looked out the window as I scrubbed the plates. The summer breeze brushed against the long grass that needed a trimming, the bright flowers that stood proud danced softly with the wind.

The weather was beautiful but in a few weeks times that would all change and winter would be here. The thoughts of the cold unforgiving season worried me, what would traveling underground be like when the weather got bad. Had Rowan or Emmett thought of the bad conditions that the season brought with it? It would surely take us months to travel to Canada we would have to face winter.

I could see my reflection in the window my prominent belly the focus of my attention. I couldn't give birth to so many beings in an old run down bunker I would surely bleed to death. Even if I did how could I manage five new borns safely? I could feel a cold sweat break out across my chest as I thought of the unknown future. Women for centuries gave birth without aid, I'm sure I would be fine. I will be fine.

Walking towards the kitchen table I picked up the brown paper bag my nana had brought  with her. I trudged towards the stairs taking my time.

I stood in the doorway of the nursery the paper bag clutched tightly in my hand. The Babies room had finally been put together the cots lined the wall in an L-shape, bunting of different colors lined the wall delicately. Animals hung as if they were protecting the lightbulb. The room was a crisp white that contrast to the colorful decor. The room was beautiful, it screamed innocence unfitting in a house of pain.

They would never use this room, and it would be the only thing that Donovan would have left of us. I opened the bag to see a knitted jumper and a matching hat in the softest lemon color. There was five of them for each of the babies that nested inside of me.

I got on my knees and placed them in my hospital bag, as I told Donovan, but it was my run away luggage. I had packed it over and over again the past few days trying to think of all the things I would possibly need. I heaved a sigh regret my decision of sitting as I struggled to get back up.

I left that room making my way back down the stairs. As I neared the bottom I could hear the front door opening, I could see his silhouette clearly.

"Donovan your din-" I stopped talking as I looked past his shoulder seeing another stature.

"I won't be eating dinner tonight," he grumbled entering the house.

The other male entered close behind him. I gulped feeling intimidated just by looking at this stranger he stood a head taller than Donovan already exceptionally tall frame. I subconsciously leaned into Donovan's side, from the twitch of his lips not only did he notice but he enjoyed it.

The stranger walked around the house passively looking around unimpressed. As he neared us I could feel his energy pushing through the room and enveloping around me. My throat felt tight as his aura clawed at it, I struggled to breathe with the change in the atmosphere. My eyes were downcast and my head tilted to the floor the power and dominance that radiated from him to much for me to handle.

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