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I licked my lips that were cracked and split from the intense heat, I unclasped the lid on my water bottle that was attached to my handmade belt crafted from recyclable materials that were left lying around the house.

Tilting my head back, I growled when three tiny drops of water landed on my dry tongue. Sighing I dropped back onto my knees digging a small hole in the ground before placing a seed in it covering it up with the dark soil. I quickly finished planting the rest in the last row of my assigned Drills. I flicked my eyes up towards both of my supervisors seeing them deeply engrossed in a conversation I cautiously put the labelled bags of seeds in my baggy tracksuit bottoms while my eyes were solely focused on them.

Taking a deep breath I stood up from my crouched position approaching them, I patiently waited for them to finish talking. I didn't shout at them or tell them how rude they were or call them all the filthy names that they lived up too, no I reeled in all of the insane thoughts that I was having that would get me killed and kept them on an tight leash like all these mutts belonged on.

Instead of signing my own death wish I stood with my head bent slightly as a display of submission with my lips tightly pressed together trapping all the nasty but truthful words from slipping out. They nodded to one another before the unfamiliar manager strolled around checking on the progress, my director Emmet turned towards me as I avoided his gaze. "Are you finished Lilah?" I could feel his eyes burn into the side of my face making my jaw tighten. Emmet was like many of the male beasts tall, broad, muscular and had terrifyingly big canines.

"Yes sir." Was my short answer. I clenched my teeth together not being comfortable in the mongrels presences longer than necessary, like everyone that worked here we had to address our superiors with respect or there would be severe consequences. My hand nervously trembled by my side as I thought about what might happen if I was caught stealing, I began to sweat slightly along my forehead swallowing my fear as his eyes squinted analysing my body language.

"May I carry on with the rest of my shift sir?" I boldly questioned my eyes meeting his for a short second. Planting wasn't the only task assigned to me on my shift I had to go into the factory that was a half an hour walk from the planting grounds.

His eyes glazed over making them look dull and grey, his pupils had a disturbing foggy shadow hanging over them blinking his eyes he looked down at me. "I'll escort you," he grumbled nodding at the other male in charge.

He scanned his card that loosely dangled from a chain wrapped around his neck, opening the metal cage like fence that "protected" us from anything wild that would be lurking around in the woodland area. The fence stood at 60 foot with barbed wire running around the top area, at night time they enclose the open area at the top trapping in all the heat like a green house would. The few hundred acres that surrounded us was divided into three parts, there was the planting grounds where different types of vegetable's and fruit were grown whether they come from the ground or are found on a tree. Then there's the factory where many stations had been set up, in the factory was where they sterilise and prep everything weather it be using the machines to dice the food into smaller pieces or putting them in their packaging. 

The only thing that disturbed the tense silence that settled between Emmet and I was the constant trudging of our feet on the plush grass. If one good thing had come from the Mutts taking over it would be the explosion of green, they planted new trees nearly everywhere they possibly could. They knocked down buildings that where no longer being used and put the area too good use. "You know Lilah you would be in a lot of trouble if someone found out what's hiding in them pockets of yours." My body stiffened as his words began to weigh down on my shoulders.

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