The deed

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I chewed the mashed potatoes that the beast was spoon feeding me. The doctor had told the Beta that I shouldn't be fed rich foods because I needed to gradually introduce certain foods into my diet. Doctor Marcus had done out a meal plan for me apparently it was quiet normal for new human mates to be given one, as we didn't have the same resources in sector two that they had here.

The monster was staring at me in a way that I didn't like. I knew that look, it was lust. It kept swimming around in his eyes as Marcus's words haunted me. I wasn't ready to mate with the monster, but I don't think I ever would be ready to do so. Maybe if I just got it over and done with then it would be easier without having to think about it.

"Are you okay mate?" His voice was husky as he glanced at me with his dark eyes.

"Yes I'm fine," I smiled a closed lip smile. There was nothing fine about in this situation, I was beginning to freak out.

He nodded his head putting the empty bowl on the dressing table. He sat down in the chair beside my bed pulling it closer towards me. His fingers lightly danced across my skin moving up my arm before gingerly rubbing my neck. He leaned down while his hand went to the back of my neck pulling me closer to him. His lips ghosted across mine before he smothered my mouth with his. His large teeth nipped at my lip making it sting, I could taste the blood on my tongue as I opened my mouth allowing him access. He'll kill you.

He crawled onto the bed leaning above me his elbows holding the majority of his weight off of me. His lips left mine and travelled down my neck, he pulled the paper like robe I was wearing off. I cringed when his hands began to cup my breasts, I closed my eyes imagining something else. It wasn't his hands that groped me or his lips that slobbered on me, I imagined that I was with Philip. My sweet Philip, who I could have never been with.

The beast began to strip, stroking the side of my face. I tried not to flinch as his fingertips ran over my bandaged neck. "You need to open your eyes mate!" His voice was deep and husky.

I slowly peeled my eyes open taking deep breaths. His eyes were like staring into an endless dark pit, when I looked into them I'd the feeling that I could get lost. Not the lovey dovey kind either I mean the feeling of  losing myself, forgetting who I am and what I stand for. Throwing my already eroding sanity out the window.

The beast kissed his way down my body descending down to my lady parts. A growl tore through him. He looked at me and I noticed how many golden flecks were in his eyes. But they were still black, just highs and specks of gold splattered in them. His nails dug into my thighs deliberately dragging them from my inner thigh to my knee, he smiled seeing me wince quietly in pain. His face hardened as I seen the debate he was having with himself from the emotion on his face. Before I could blink his hand was around my throat as he roughly entered me. My mouth hung wide open in pain, his hand tightened around my throat leaving me gasping for air. He wouldn't let go until I turned purple. He repeatedly slammed himself in and out of me harshly, and because of the look on his face I knew he wanted to hurt me. He wouldn't once the deed was done. I kept telling myself thinking of the advice Marcus gave me.

He pulled out of me and grabbed  me sitting me up. "Turn around so I can fuck you like the whore you are!" He snarled at me turning me around and pushing me onto all fours. I was gobsmacked. This cheeky bastard called me a whore!

"Did you like sleeping with that other man huh! Did you even fucking think about me when you let him have his way with you, you dirty slut!" He slapped my ass hard making me yelp tears brimming in my eyes from the sting and the pain of him entering me so roughly.

"Your mine! You were supposed to wait for me, I was supposed to be your first!" His roaring didn't stop as he grabbed my hips still snarling and growling until he came in me.

My arms shook and I felt like I was going to be sick. He knew. I thought it was only a myth that male werewolves could smell if their female had ever had sex before. I'd heard stories of males killing their mates ex lovers out of rage and jealousy. But I thought they were just that, stories. I just hoped to god he wouldn't kill Philip.

"If I ever smell that scums scent near you  I promise I'll Kill him," he snarled in my ear dragging me into the bed and covering the two of us with the duvets. His thick muscular arms wrapped around me like a snake. Claiming it's prey. I was way to warm but I was too afraid to say anything.

"Good night mate." His voice was clipped and tight he was obviously quite annoyed.

I lay awake thinking about what had happened. I wasn't scared of how roughly he'd fucked me, what was terrifying was the sadistic smile he bore, knowing he was hurting me when dragging his nails up and down my legs. I could feel the blood all over my legs. I knew it wasn't his man form that enjoyed it, but I wasn't sure that it was his wolf either. I think it was something in between.

Short and shitty sorry its so short but I figured a short chapter now and I'll try and get a big chapter out as quick as possible.

Hope you all stay safe love all you guys ~Ari

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