1. The Surprise/ Telling the News to Katie and Jennifer

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*Palm Woods pool*

It was a sunny day, and the boys of Big Time Rush were relaxing by the Palm Woods pool, talking and thinking about what they were going to do for their next album. 

"So, when do you guys think Gustavo is gonna have the next song ready for us by?" Carlos asked.

"Well, I'm not sure. After all, he likes being alone. It helps him to think when it comes to writing a new song," Logan stated.

"Yeah, well, let's look forward we get a future fourth album we've been hoping for," James predcited.

Then Kelly came up to the boys to make an announcement.

"Hey guys. Time to get yourselves dressed. Gustavo needs you at the studio today," Kelly said

"Kelly! What does the amazing Gustavo Rocque have in store for us today?" Kendall questioned.

"Well, as of today, Gustavo needs you to come over to Rocque Records, because Griffin wants to see all of us in the conference room," Kelly said.

"What does Griffin want from us?" Logan asked.

"Is he gonna announce BTR's fourth album?" James questioned excitedly.

"Actually, there's a surprise for you, guys," Kelly said.

The boys' eyes popped wide open with excitement on their faces.

"A surprise?! I love surprises!" Carlos exclaimed happily.

"You gotta get your butts moving if you really wanna know what the surprise is," Kelly reminded the boys.

"Alright guys, let's move out!" Logan said.

The guys rushed up to their apartment and changed into their regular clothes before they left the apartment and went straight to Rocque Records.
*Rocque Records*

The guys arrived at Rocque Records and Kelly escorted them to the conference room which Gustavo was already there before them.

"Dogs!" Gustavo began. "Perfect to have you all here."

"Hey Gustavo, we're here because you said that Griffin--" Kendall starting talking before he got cut off.


Kendall shut himself up right away before Gustavo continued.

"Now, when Griffin gives you all the surprise, you have to accept it and he can't take it back if you say no," Gustavo said. 

"Do you understand?" He asked the guys.

"Yes," The boys answered.

A few moments after, Griffin entered the room along with his assistants.

"Ah. Fellas. So glad you all could make it," Griffin began.

"Well, you asked for us throughout Gustavo and Kelly, and said you have a surprise for us," Kendall reminded him.

"Of course I do," Griffin said.

Then he reached for something inside his coat pocket and it was an envelope that contained a letter as Griffin handed it to the boys.

"That's it? An envelope?" James asked with an eyebrow raised.

"What, exactly, is in the envelope?" Kendall asked.

"Open it and see for yourselves," Griffin encouraged the boys.

Once they opened it, the boys began reading what the letter said:

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