23. Charlie's Decision

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Back at the Bucket house, Mrs. Bucket was chopping up cabbage for the soup, Mr. Bucket was reading a book, the grandparents were in bed and Jennifer came by to hang out with the family while her son and daughter and their friends were at the factory. The Buckets were having some tea Jennifer made for them.

"What time do you think they'll be back?" Mrs Bucket asked her husband.

"I don't know dear," Mr. Bucket said.

"I'm sure Charlie and Grandpa Joe are doing alright. They both got the boys and Katie who have been looking after them," Jennifer stated before she took a sip of her tea.

Mrs. Bucket nodded in agreement, hoping Jennifer was right.

Suddenly, the elevator crashed through the roof and into the house. In the elevator, everyone except Mr. Wonka was shocked as the same with the Bucket family and Jennifer to see this happened. Then the elevator landed in the middle.

Everybody in the house was surprised to see Charlie, Grandpa Joe, the BTR boys and Katie with Mr. Wonka.

"I think there's someone at the door," Grandma Georgina said.

"Hi Mum!/Hey Mom!" Charlie, Katie and Kendall waved at their mothers as Mr. Wonka, Grandpa Joe, James, Carlos and Logan did the same at them.

The two women waved back as the elevator door opened and everyone was stepping out.

"Mum, Dad, we're back!" Charlie said as he and Grandpa Joe came up to hug their family.

"Charlie!" The parents said happily.

"Boys! Katie!" Jennifer also said happily as she went to hug her children and the other boys.

After a moment of both reunions, Charlie introduced his family to Mr. Wonka.

"Mum, Dad, this is Willy Wonka. He gave us a ride home along with the boys and Katie," he said.

"I see that," Mrs. Bucket stated.

"You must be the boy's..." Mr. Wonka croaked in his throat once again when he struggled say the 'p' word.

"Parents?" Mr. Bucket asked.

"Yeah, that," Mr. Wonka replied.

"And we are so sorry about your roof. None of us saw that coming when we were landing in the elevator. It was an accident," Katie apologized to the Buckets.

"Yeah, sorry about that, bud," Kendall told Charlie.

"It's alright," he said.

Then a knock came on the door.

"Excuse me, everybody," Mrs. Bucket said.

She went to get the door and opened to see Gustavo and Kelly was there.

"Gustavo? Kelly?" Kendall said.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Katie questioned.

"Well, we were informed that the Bucket kid won something from Wonka and we wanted to come by here and congratulate him," Gustavo said.

Everyone was confused .

"Did you guys tell Gustavo and Kelly?" Katie asked her brother and the other three.

"No," Kendall answered.

"I don't think so." "Don't seem to recall that." James and Logan replied.

Then they looked over at one who didn't respond.

"Carlos?" Kendall asked.

"Alright, I told them! I'm so sorry! I got all excited for Charlie and I couldn't help it but tell Gustavo and Kelly while I texted them, because I thought they'd wanna know right away. By the way, while we were in the air, a very close spot had really good cell service," Carlos confessed.

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