19. The Nut Sorting Room/Veruca The Bad Nut

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As everybody exited out of the room, Mr. Wonka led them to the hallways where they were about to go to the next room.

"Without the boat, we'll have to move double time, just to keep on schedule. There's far so much to see," Mr. Wonka said.

"Mr. Wonka?" Charlie said.

"Yeah?" he said.

"Why did you decide to let people in? And why have you chosen Big Time Rush to be you co-chocolatiers for the day?" Charlie asked.

"So they could see the factory, of course. And I've been familiar with the boys' work in music before, so I'd thought they'd be a perfect fit to come and work along with me after they've gotten my letter," Mr. Wonka explained.

"It's true. Even though, Mr. Wonka and the CEO actually hadn't met each other in person before, but they've been in contact. That's why we got a letter that said we were invited to the factory and help him out around," Kendall whispered to Charlie.

"That's so cool," Charlie whispered back.

Kendall smiled and winked at him.

"But why now and why only five?" Charlie went back to asking Mr. Wonka.

He was going to answer, but got interrupted.

"What's the special prize and who's gonna get it?" Mike questioned.

"Well, the best kind of prize is a sur-prise!" Mr. Wonka said and laughed at the end.

"It's starting to sound a special surprise," Katie stated.

Mr. Wonka winked at Katie.

"Will Violet always be a blueberry?" Veruca questioned while shoving Mike out of her way.

"No. Maybe," Mr. Wonka was not certain.

"And you don't expect her to be like that forever, do you Mr. Wonka?" Katie asked.

"Well, I don't know, Katie. But that's what you get from chewing gum all day. It's just disgusting," Mr. Wonka stated.

"Especially for how long the same piece has been chewed," James said.

"And when you stick it behind the ear," Carlos added.

"Plus, gum can cause a lot of cavities on the teeth whenever someone chews it a lot," Logan stated.

"All of the facts are exactly true," Mr. Wonka agreed.

"If you hate gum so much, then why do you make it?" Mike questioned.

"Once again, you really shouldn't mumble, because it's kind of starting to bum me out," Mr. Wonka told him.

"Can you remember the first candy you ever ate?" Charlie asked.

The group stopped walking as Mr. Wonka was about to have another flashback.

"No," he answered.

(Go to 0:38 for the flashback and stop at 1:40👇🏻)

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