35. Life Had Never Been Sweeter

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*8 months later*

It's been almost a year since Big Time Rush became Willy Wonka's co-chocolatiers and had met Charlie Bucket, who later won the chocolate factory and became Katie Knight's boyfriend.

Big Time Rush
After the final tour was over, the band had officially dispersed. The boys had moved out of their apartment 2J. Well actually, Carlos and Logan were the only two who moved out as Kendall and James decided to keep the apartment for a while as the two each had started their singing careers as solo artists. Meanwhile, instead of studying to be a doctor, Logan finally had gotten his own show along with his girlfriend, Camille, and Carlos became a star when started singing on Broadway for a career. The boys have kept in touch with each other and manage some time to hang out like old times. Even though, they started to wonder if they would ever wanted to be BTR again in the future. But it was pretty unknown if it would ever happen.

Charlie Bucket, Katie Knight and Willy Wonka
After a few months, Katie and her mother, Jennifer moved of the the Palm Woods and moved into the chocolate factory. Katie even transferred schools so she could be with Charlie and both of them became co-heirs of Mr. Wonka, and they even started coming up with ideas for candy. Katie had been calling her brother and their friends for updates on the new candy she was making with Charlie and Mr. Wonka for a while and it became more successful than ever. The boys had never been prouder of the three who made such a great team. Whenever they finished their work for the day, Charlie and Katie would often go on a date once in a while. It was amazing for the two to fall in love with each other while working together.

Day after day, everybody had kept in touch with each other. Katie and Charlie would call or video chat with the boys and how they were doing. The BTR would come back all together to the factory for a visit some time and Charlie, Mr. Wonka and Katie would invite back Gustavo, Kelly and the boys' girlfriends along with.

Now with the BTR boys were in their early 20s, Charlie who recently turned 13 and Katie was about to be 14 later in the year, things couldn't gotten for everyone, and it was due to Willy Wonka...
*the middle of February*

Since they hadn't been a band anymore, the boys would make an arrangement of when they should visit Katie, Charlie and Mr. Wonka all together. They also brought Gustavo, Kelly and the boys' girlfriends along with. As soon as everyone got settled in the guest rooms, Katie, Charlie and Mr. Wonka, along with the boys, gave Jo, Camille, Lucy, and Alexa a tour around the factory and what they had been doing. They even showed them the candies they were working on. All the rooms they went to, the girls were impressed and they couldn't stop telling Charlie and Katie how lucky they both had gotten.
*Bucket house (inside the Chocolate Room)*

It was a dark and snowy night, and at the Bucket house, Jennifer, Kelly and Gustavo were helping the family setting up dinner while Charlie, Mr. Wonka, Katie, the boys and their girlfriends were running late. Moments later, the whole gang came inside the house and said their hellos.

"Sorry we're late. We were brainstorming while the boys were showing the girls a few new rooms around the factory," Charlie explained to everyone.

"Thought I heard thunder," Grandpa George said.

"No wonder you dogs and puppy were late tonight," Gustavo joked around which made everyone laughed a little.

"Are you two and the others staying for dinner, Willy and Katie?" Mr. Bucket asked.

"Yes please," Mr. Wonka replied as he and everybody else took off their coats.

"I'll shuffle the plates," Grandpa Joe said.

"Here, let me give you a hand with those," Kendall said as he went to help Grandpa Joe.

Then they started to put out plates on the table and made sure there was enough for everyone.

"The food smells amazing, Mrs. Bucket," Katie complimented.

"Thank you, dear," Mrs. Bucket said.

Charlie and Katie went up to greet Jennifer.

"Hey Mom," Katie said.

"Hi Mrs. Knight," Charlie added.

"Hi kids. Did you have fun with Mr. Wonka and the others?" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah, it was great. Katie and I have been working on more new ideas for candy," Charlie said.

"Yeah, we've introduced some brand new ideas to Mr. Wonka and he approved them," Katie stated.

"That's great honey. You two think great things that might happen. It's important to do what you think of a new plan for candies because of what a great team you've been," Jennifer told the kids.

"That's true, Mrs. Knight. Katie and I might work on even better ideas later," Charlie smiled.

"Sounds like a good plan, Charlie," Jennifer told him.

Then everybody took their seats at the table. Charlie sat between Grandpa Joe and next to Katie, while Mr. Wonka and Jennifer sat between Grandma Josephine and Grandma Georgina. At the extra table that was next to the Buckets, Mr. Wonka and Jennifer, Kendall sat with Jo, James sat with Lucy, Logan sat with Camille, Carlos sat with Alexa, and Kelly and Gustavo sat around with them.

"You smell like peanuts. I love peanuts," Grandma Georgina smiled at Mr. Wonka.

"Well, thank you. You smell like... old people and soap. I like it," he told her.

Grandma Georgina squealed in delight and went to hug Mr. Wonka.

"Isn't that adorable?" Jennifer giggled a little.

Everyone else giggled and smiled a bit.

"Elbows off the table, Charlie," Grandma Josephine told her grandson.

Charlie took his elbows off the table while he was talking with Mr. Wonka and Katie about their new idea and the boys were listening.

"How do you two feel about little raspberry kites?" Mr. Wonka asked Charlie and Katie.

"With licorice instead of string," Charlie said.

"Ooh, and those little ribbons tied at the bottom and they have the scent of a chocolatey flavor," Katie added.

"Boys, Katie... no business talk at the table," Mrs. Bucket warned everyone as she was fixing plates of dinner.

"She makes a fair point, kids," Jennifer agreed

"Sorry Mum," Charlie apologized.

"Sorry, Mrs. Bucket," Katie said.

"I think you're onto something there, Charlie and Katie," Mr. Wonka told them.

"That was a great idea you guys came up with," Kendall whispered.

"Thanks big bro," Katie whispered back.

Then everybody started eating off of their plates.

In the end, Charlie Bucket and Katie Knight were handed over the factory by Willy Wonka as he even got something better... a family and friends. His life couldn't have gotten bigger and better. During that, the boys of Big Time Rush may have departed in separate ways but stayed closer with their friendship to each other more than ever.

But there was one thing everybody was absolutely certain: life had never been sweeter.

The End.

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