12. Charlie's Dreams Coming True (The Last Golden Ticket)

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*January 31*

Katie's POV
While my brother and the guys were rehearsing the Willy Wonka song for when people were about to come to the factory (recently after they nailed the other 4 songs which were about the kids), I was on the internet and saw a news article about the final golden ticket being found. It was found by some kid in Russia.

Oh no! That was the last golden ticket... and someone, who wasn't even Charlie, won. His heart must be broken as I felt the same for mine.

Then I heard a knock on the door.


I heard a voice calling through the door. It was Kendall.

"Katie? Are you there?"

"Come in..." I said.

Then Kendall entered the room with James, Carlos and Logan.

"Hey guys," I said in a sad tone.

"What's the matter, baby sister?" Kendall asked.

"The final golden ticket has been by some Russian kid instead of Charlie. It happened while I was reading the article about it." I said as I showed the guys the article on my laptop.

"Aw man. We're sorry, Katie," Logan said.

"Poor Charlie..." Carlos said in a sad voice.

"I know, buddy," Logan said when he put a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"God. That poor kid's heart will be broken when he finds out about this," James pointed out.

"Yeah it will, James," Logan said.

With disappointment I see in myself, Kendall pulled me in for a hug to comfort me.

"It's okay, Katie," Kendall said in a soft voice. "It's gonna be okay."

I sighed before saying, "Don't be too sure about that, big brother. Tomorrow will be our last day, which was supposed to be a special day for the kids, and then that's it. Afterwards, we might not see Charlie ever again."

"Don't say that, Katie. I know that deep down in your heart, it will lead you wherever you want to go. I trusted Charlie not to do anything to hurt you and I know he would never break your heart. He still may be a poor boy, but he's a very sweet human being like you are. And what you guys have between the both of you is beautiful and special. Listen, I'm your big brother and I'm always gonna protect you and love you, but all I want is for you to be happy when you find love... even if you can find it in Charlie," Kendall explained in a very good point.

I smiled a bit.

"Thanks, big brother. I'm so lucky to have you in my life," I told him.

"Me too, baby sister. Ever since the day you were born," Kendall said sweetly.

Then my mom came in.

"Hey guys. Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Well Mom, Katie's a little bit sad that some other kid found the last golden ticket as we are too," Kendall said.

"Really?" She questioned.

"Yeah, we were all bummed it wasn't Charlie," he added.

The guys and I explained about how I felt for Charlie now that he didn't win the golden ticket. Then Kendall came up with an idea.

"Hey, why don't we go see Charlie one last time?" Kendall recommended.

I started to smile about the idea as we nodded in agreement.

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