9. Charlie's Birthday Surprises

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The boys, Katie, Jennifer, Gustavo and Kelly were walking around to clear their minds off of Veruca Salt due to her spoiled personality on the news.

"Mom, the guys and I are gonna check out a few places while Gustavo and Kelly keep an eye on us," Kendall informed his mother.

"Okay honey, but you all be careful. We'll see you in a bit," Jennifer told him.

Then they all headed into different directions. As Katie and Jennifer were walking together down the road, they saw Charlie's parents.

"Helen? Nathan?" Jennifer called out to the Buckets.

"Jennifer? Is that you?" Mr. Bucket asked.

Jennifer and Katie walked up to the Buckets.

"Jennifer! It's so nice to see you again, dear," Mrs. Bucket said.

"Same here, Helen, Nathan," Jennifer said as the three of them hugged for a moment and then pulled away.

"Hello, Katie," Mr. Bucket greeted Katie.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Bucket," she said.

"What are you two doing around town?" Mrs. Bucket asked.

"Katie and I were just walking around town to a couple different places while my son and his friends were doing the same. Even though, their music producer and his assistant have been keeping an eye on them," Jennifer said.

The Buckets nodded at that.

"What about you, guys?" Katie asked.

"We just bought Charlie's birthday present and we thought he might like to open it tonight," Mrs. Bucket told them.

"A Wonka bar?" Katie asked.

"How'd you know that?" Mr. Bucket questioned.

"We knew how much Charlie loves Wonka bars, and we assume you know about the golden ticket contest," Katie stated.

"And do you two think that Charlie might have a chance to find the golden ticket?" Mrs. Bucket asked.

"We hope so. That's why we're keeping our fingers crossed," Katie said.

She and Jennifer smiled as the Buckets did the same.

"We were just on our way home. Would you like to come by? I'm sure Charlie would be happy to see you all," Mrs. Bucket offered.

"Oh yeah. Can we please go there, Mom?" Katie begged.

"I don't see why not," Jennifer said with a smile. "But first, we need to find your brother and the others."

"Alright. Let's go," Mrs. Bucket said.

Katie and Jennifer led the way and Mr. and Mrs. Bucket followed them. Then they found the boys with Gustavo and Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Bucket invited everybody to their house so they could watch Charlie open his Wonka bar. Then the whole gang started to follow the Buckets to the house.

On the way, the BTR guys whispered in a private conversation and they came up with an idea to get Charlie a birthday present other than a Wonka bar from his parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bucket?" Kendall called the Buckets.

"Yes dear?" Mrs. Bucket said as she and Mr. Bucket turned for attention.

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