21. The Television Room/Mike Teleports Himself

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The elevator doors opened to a room where it was white and bright as soon as everybody stepped out.

"Here, put these on quick and don't take them off whatever you do," Mr. Wonka informed everyone as they put on their goggles. "This light could burn your eyeballs right out of your skull. And we certainly don't want that now, do we?"

As soon as everyone got their goggles, Katie and Charlie turned to face each other.

"How do I look?" Katie asked.

"Beautiful," Charlie replied softly.

They grabbed each other's hands as they started walking with the group.

"This is the testing room for the latest and greatest invention— Television Chocolate," Mr. Wonka introduced the invention. "One day, it occurred to me, 'Hey, if television can break up a photograph into millions and millions of tiny little pieces and send it whizzing through the air, then reassemble it on the other end, why can't I do the same thing with chocolate? Why can't I send a real bar of chocolate through the television, all ready to be eaten?'"

The group saw the Oompa Loompa sitting on the chair, going through different channels on the TV.

"Sounds impossible," Mr. Teavee said.

"It is impossible," Mike corrected his father.

The BTR guys and Katie rolled their eyes underneath their goggles.

"You don't understand anything about science," Mike started to explain to Mr. Wonka. "First off, there's difference between waves and particles- duh! Second, the amount of power it would take to convert energy into matter would be like nine atomic bombs."

"Mumbler!" Mr. Wonka yelled.

"Seriously. I cannot understand a single word you're saying..." he added.

"Why does Mr. Wonka keep telling Mike he was mumbling when we know he wasn't?" Carlos whispered in question to his friends.

"We don't know, Los. Mr. Wonka is just... Mr. Wonka," Logan whispered.

It was quiet for a second before Mr. Wonka continued.

"Okeydokey. I shall now send a bar of chocolate from one end of the room to the other by television. Bring in the chocolate!"

Everybody watched as some of the Oompa Loompas carried a giant candy bar and set it on the platform in the center of the room.

"Whoa! Look at the size of that candy bar, dude!" "That thing's huge!" a couple of the boys said.

"Exactly, boys. It's gotta be real big, 'cause you know how on TV you can film a regular-size man and he comes out looking this tall? Same basic principle," Mr. Wonka explained.

Then he looked at Katie.

"Katie, would you like to do the honors?" Mr. Wonka asked as he pointed the red button.

Katie looked at Mr. Wonka and then at her brother.

"Go ahead, Katie. Go for it," Kendall encouraged her.

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