5. Meet the Bucket Family

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*Buckets house*

Everyone reached Charlie's house. Charlie's mother, Mrs. Bucket was carrying a few cabbages in her hands as she noticed her son coming up with the BTR gang.

"Hi Mum!" Charlie greeted her as he approached to her.

"Hi Charlie! How was your day?" Mrs Bucket asked when he gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"It was great," he told her.

Then Mrs. Bucket noticed the boys, Katie and Jennifer.

"Oh, Mum, this is Kendall Knight, James Diamond, Carlos Garcia and Logan Mitchell. These boys are in a band called Big Time Rush, and I actually knew some of their songs on the radio before. I just met them earlier today while I was in town, and then I told them I was quite a fan of their work," Charlie introduced the boys.

"And this is my mother, Jennifer, and my little sister, Katie. We're from Los Angeles and we just have been visiting around town today and we're gonna be staying for a while. And Charlie helped me find my friends here after we split up to get away from our screaming fans. Only because they could crazy, but they love us in that way. But anyway, after we found each other again, we offered Charlie to walk him home. I mean, if it's alright with you, because we thought to be sure he got back here incase you'd gotten worried. You know, with unusual cold weather we're having around here," Kendall explained.

"Well, it's very nice to meet all of you and thank you kindly for bringing him home safe and sound. It was nice of you doing him a favor after what he's done for you today. I'm Helen Bucket, Charlie's mother," Mrs. Bucket introduced herself.

"It's so nice to meet you, Mrs. Bucket," Katie said.

"Charlie told us a little bit about you and the rest of your family, which by the way, we're very sorry about how hard it must've been on all of you when he said you didn't have a lot of money. We feel bad about it," Kendall said.

"We really do," Carlos nodded in agreement.

"Oh, thank you. That's very sweet of you, darlings," Mrs. Bucket was touched.

"Mum, is it okay if they come inside the house for a little bit?" Charlie asked his mother.

"Of course they can, sweetheart. You all must have been freezing with all of those crazy flakes of snow flying everywhere," Mrs. Bucket chuckled a bit.

"Thank you so much for inviting us into your home, Mrs. Bucket. We really appreciate that," Logan said.

"Come on," Charlie said as he and Mrs. Bucket led the way inside their house and everyone followed them.

When they got inside, Charlie's grandparents, Grandpas Joe and George and Grandmas Josephine and Georgina, were sitting in the same bed they shared together, and he went to greet them each with a hug before the boys, Katie and Jennifer walked up to the grandparents.

Then Charlie began introducing everyone from one to another.

"Everyone, this is my grandfather, Grandpa Joe, and my grandmother, Grandma Josephine. And these are my other grandparents, Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you guys. I'm Kendall Knight, and this is my beautiful mother, Jennifer, and my loving baby sister, Katie," Kendall introduced himself and his mother and sister.

"How very nice to meet you, dears," Grandma Georgina replied sweetly.

"Hello, how's everyone doing? My name is Diamond, James Diamond," James introduced himself.

It made Grandma Georgina blush as she giggled to see James' charming smile before he noticed the mysteriously grumpy look Grandpa George gave out, and his smiled dropped as he backed himself away a bit.

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