20. The Great Glass Elevator

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Katie's POV
We left the nut room and stepped into an elevator that had so many buttons.

"I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. The elevator is by far the most efficient way to get around the factory," Mr. Wonka said.

"Look at all these buttons, guys," Kendall said.

"All of those can lead us to any rooms?" Logan asked.

"Uh huh," Mr. Wonka nodded.

"Aw sweet!" Carlos and James said in excitement.

"There can't be this many floors," Mike said.

"How do you know, Mr. Smartypants? And this isn't just an ordinary up-and-down elevator by the way," Mr. Wonka started explaining. "It can go sideways, slantways, longways and the other ways you can think of."

"The elevator can really do all these things, Mr. Wonka?" I asked.

"Of course it can, Katie, assuming this is your first time in the Great Glass Elevator along with the others. See here?" Mr. Wonka said as I looked at the button he was pointing at. "You press any button, and whoosh, you're off."

The elevator went off and we leaned against the glass. I even felt Charlie literally leaning behind me.

"Sorry, Katie," he whispered.

"It's okay," I whispered.

The elevator moved us to a room where there was snow everywhere.

"Oh look! Look!" Mr Wonka said as he was pointing. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fudge Mountain!"

We looked around and noticed the Oompa Loompas waving at Mr. Wonka and the guys they waved back at them.

"Hey Katie," I looked at my brother. "Why don't you wave back at the Oompa Loompas? I can tell how much they like you."

I smiled and I did as told as I waved back at the Oompa Loompas.

"That's my girl," Mr. Wonka said while patting my shoulder.

After this room we went through, we moved onto the next room where the Oompa Loompas were shaving off the pink sheep.

"Oh!" Mr. Wonka was to say something but then he decided not to.

The guys and I clenched our teeth in disgust like that to see something happen with the sheep.

"I rather not talk about this one," Mr. Wonka told us when he felt embarrassed about this.

"Do you think it's candy floss?" Charlie whispered to me.

"It might be. Not sure, though," I whispered back to him.

"Hey guys, it looks like the Oompa Loompas are making cotton candy out of the sheep's pink fleece," James whispered to the guys.

"You think?" Logan whispered back.

"That would actually be weird to know, but I bet that fleece tastes delicious," Carlos stated.

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