29. A Father and Son Reunion/Telling the Buckets the News

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*middle of somewhere cold*

Willy Wonka's POV
When the elevator landed, we've arrived at our destination. It was middle of nowhere, except there was a single house which was a bit from where everyone and I were.

"You sure this could be the place?" Logan asked me.

"I hope so," I responded.

"Come on, guys," Kendall said as we started to walk up to the house.

A few moments later, we made it as we walked up the stairs.

"I think we've got the wrong house," I stated.

Then Charlie, Katie, the boys, the girls and I glanced at the engraved golden plaque that said:


"Nope. We got the right one," Carlos corrected me.

We all shrugged at each other before Charlie rang the doorbell.

"Remember to relax, Mr. Wonka. For sure, he's gonna remember you," Kendall told me as I nodded.

A moment later, the door opened and a man in a dental uniform with gray hair and glasses appeared, whom I would assumed he might be my father.

"Hello sir. Are you Dr. Wilbur Wonka?" Katie asked.

"Yes, I am," Wilbur replied.

Then he looked over at all of us.

"Do any of you have an appointment?" he questioned.

"No, but he's overdue," Charlie gestured me.
As soon as everyone and I got inside, I laid back on a dental chair.

"Open," Wilbur commanded.

I opened my mouth.

"Now, let's see what the damage is, shall we?" he said as he started to look through my mouth.

Meanwhile, Charlie and the others looked and saw a bunch of old pictures and clippings of me.

"Wow. Can't believe how young he was," Logan stated.

"I know, dude. This is amazing," Carlos agreed.

"Hey guys, look," Charlie said as he opened the book with even more clippings.

Everyone smiled at the pictures.

"He's been around for so long before we even knew about it," James said.

"I think we all should be proud of him for what he's been doing for quite a long time now," Katie stated.

"Well said, baby sister," Kendall told her.

Wilbur was still looking through my mouth, but then he was stopping for a moment.

"Heavens. I haven't seen bicuspids like these since... since..."

He couldn't finish his sentence. Suddenly as he stared at me, his memory was coming back to him.

"Willy?" Wilbur started to recognize me.

"Hi Dad," I greeted.

He set all his dental tools down as I began to sit up and face him.

"All these years, and you haven't flossed," Dad told me.

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