3. Wonka's Secret Assignment

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When they approached to Mr. Wonka's office, he only needed the BTR boys, Gustavo and Kelly. Mr. Wonka asked Katie and Jennifer to wait outside.

"Are you sure you guys will be alright with Mr. Wonka?" Jennifer asked.

"We'll be fine, Mom," Kendall told her.

"No need to worry, Jennifer," Mr. Wonka said. "The boys will be in good hands."

"Alright then," she said.

As Mr. Wonka was unlocking the door to his office, some of the tiny men were walking around, which everybody turned to see and raised their eyebrows when they saw the tiny men.

"Excuse me, Mr. Wonka?" Katie said

"Huh?" Mr. Wonka turned to face her.

"Who are these little guys?" Katie questioned.

Mr. Wonka turned to face the little men for a moment to see them.

"Oh. I see you all have just noticed my workers," Mr. Wonka began. 

"Your workers?" Logan asked.

"Oh, yeah. They're working for me and helping me around the factory and they're gonna be taking your luggage to your rooms that I'll tell you which room you're assigned to after the meeting," Mr. Wonka explained.

"Are you sure they're actual people?" Kendall questioned.

"Of course that they're real people, known as the Oompa Loompas," Mr. Wonka explained.

"Oompa Loompas?" Everybody asked together as they turned to face him.

"Yep. They're pretty neat, huh?" Mr. Wonka.

 Then everyone turned back around to face the Oompa Loompas.

"W-Well, hi, guys. It's uh... It's so nice to meet you," Kendall greeted.

"So, how did you guys know of Mr. Wonka?" Carlos asked.

The Oompa Loompas just stood there in silence and didn't respond.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongues?" James joked and chuckled.

Still no response and it sooner became awkward for everyone.

"Why aren't they replying, Mr. Wonka?" Katie questioned as she pointed at the quieted Oompa Loompas.

"Did any of us say something wrong?" Logan asked.

"Oh, no, no, no. They're not much for talking. However, I can communicate to them with my funny-looking sign language sometimes and I often give out orders on what to do around the factory," Mr. Wonka explained.

"And they would do exactly as you say," Katie added.

"That's right. Oh, and boys, like the four of you, they sure can sing and dance sometimes," Mr. Wonka gave out more information.

"Oh. Well, that's cool," Kendall said.

"But where did they come from?" Carlos asked.

"Well, I asked them to come live and work with me at my factory directly after they were imported from Loompaland," Mr Wonka noted.

"Loompaland?" the BTR boys asked.

"That place doesn't even exist," James said in a sassy tone.

"How are we suppose to know about a place that doesn't seem to make sense to us when we should know it's not even a real thing?' Logan questioned.

"I knew in that moment I brought up mentioning about it, the next you're in disbelief. Anyways, I'm sure once I explain it to you later, you'll be learning about what a awful country it was," Mr. Wonka told him.

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