18. The Inventing Room/Violet Turns Violet

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Author's POV
After the boat ride, everybody entered into the Inventing Room where Mr. Wonka's candies were being made.

"This is the most important room in the factory," Mr. Wonka introduced to this room. "Now, everyone enjoy yourselves, but just don't touch anything. Kay? Go on, go on. Scoot!"

"Dude, look over there!" Carlos gestured James as he pointed to that machine.

The two boys ran off to it where Violet and Mike started to follow them as everyone else, including Katie and Charlie, went to take a look around.
Charlie's POV
Katie and I started to take a walk around the room where Mr. Wonka's candies were being made.

"I've been to some other rooms around the factory before, but this one I haven't," Katie told me.

We both giggled a bit before we stopped to see lollipops shaped into hearts hanging upside down as they were strolling by. It reminded me of how my heart was beating for Katie as we looked at each other for a moment.

"So Charlie, this is fun so far, wouldn't you say?" Katie asked.

"Yeah, definitely. You have no idea how I've been dying to see what was inside, Katie," I stated.

"I experienced it myself whenever I wandered around while my brother and the guys had been rehearsing one of their songs," Katie said.

"So, did the boys rehearse for Augustus' song just like earlier when he went up the pipe, because they knew that something like it was going to happen at this point?" I questioned.

"Yeah, actually. But I almost wasn't sure that could be true. They also rehearsed some other songs about the other kids. Basically, just some things about how they're usually mean and selfish and they would be taught a lesson during that," Katie replied.

"Well, I hope it won't be me, because I would never do anything bad or wrong," I made a point.

"Not ever. You're a good kid and that's what me and the guys like about you," Katie smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Thanks Katie," I responded as she and I hugged.

When we let go of each other...

"Hey, so what was it you wanted to tell me earlier in the Chocolate Room?" Katie questioned.

"Oh. I, uh... um..." I was trying to talk.

I was so nervous when I wanted to tell Katie about how I feel.

"Hey, it's okay if you're nervous. Whatever it is, you can tell me," Katie encouraged me.

I really needed to do this, so I took a deep breath as I was about to speak, but then I was interrupted.

"Hey Mr. Wonka, what's this?"

We overheard Violet calling to Mr. Wonka when we glanced over there. Then we faced back to each other.

"I'm sorry, Katie. Maybe it can wait until later?" I asked.

"Oh, okay then. Come on," Katie put her arm around me and I did the same with her before we walked over to catch up with the others.
Author's POV
Mr. Wonka turned for Violet's attention.

"Oh! Let me show you," Mr. Wonka said as everyone else gathered around.

Then the Oompa Loompa came out of water and gave Mr. Wonka one of those balls.

"These are everlasting gobstoppers," he began to explain. "They're for children who are given very little allowance money. You can suck on it all year, and it'll never get any smaller. Isn't that neat?"

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