4. Charlie Bucket

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Author's POV
After getting settled in, the BTR guys helped Mr. Wonka spread out the golden tickets on different Wonka bars before a lot of candy bars were getting wrapped and set to being shipped out by trucks to different countries in the entire world. Not long after, the boys told Mr. Wonka they were going into town, and Gustavo and Kelly told them

As they started to walk into town, Kendall told his mom he and the other guys were going to walk around by themselves for a little while and Jennifer reminded them to be careful. As Katie and Jennifer walked away as far as possible, the boys walked together.

"This is gonna be great, guys. Being Mr. Wonka's co-chocolatiers, and any kids all over the world who might be the lucky ones in finding the five golden tickets," Logan said.

"Yeah, it's gonna be epic," James agreed.

The boys were viewing around the town and finding it interesting.

"This town may be small and not much of it, but it is filled with great people," Logan stated.

"Ooh ooh, and there are the Wonka trucks passing by," Carlos pointed at the trucks as they were driving by.

"Yup, the Wonka bars are now shipped and on their way to different countries," Kendall stated and the others nodded.

The guys kept walking around and went to different stores and other places to take a look around at. It went on for a half hour until they approached to a couple of girls, a blonde and a ginger perspectively. The two girls were in shocked the second they saw the boys.

"Well, hello ladies," Kendall greeted the girls.

The girls had the same frozen shocked look as they both stared at the boys for a moment and then at each other until they shouted...

"It's Big Time Rush!"

And that was some other girls, from different areas who turned their heads and popped out from alleys of buildings, got the attention and all the girls were gathering around together and slowly walked up toward the BTR boys. The boys' eyes were popped wide open in horror as they slowly backed away when they knew what was about to happen.

"Run!" the BTR guys yelled together.

They turned around and started running away as the girls screamed excitedly and chased after them.

"Another day of being chased by screaming fangirls is not how we start off something new for us!" Kendall shouted.

"Yeah, but I'm love being chased by girls, even since we became famous! Besides, they love me!" James bragged.

Carlos and Logan both nudged him really hard while still running.

"I mean, us!" James corrected himself.

The running and being chased around went on and the boys thought this would never end.

"Let's split up!" Logan yelled.

"Okay!" the three other guys agreed.

Then the whole band split into individual ways to get away from the fangirls who were still going after them.
*Charlie Bucket*

Charlie's POV
I was polishing a customer's shoes and had the radio on at lower volume to have kept me busy until I finished after a job well done.

"Alright, Mr. Phillips, you're set," I said.

Mr. Phillips who had dark brown hair and was in a black coat with his business suit underneath smiled.

"Thank you, Charlie. Here you go," Mr. Phillips gave me a tip.

"Thank you, sir," I took the tip and put it in his pocket.

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