26. Goodbye Charlie

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Katie's POV
We were all leaving the factory and about to go home. Mr. Wonka apologized about the incident today, but the guys weren't ready to forgive him yet and he understood. Even though, Mr. Wonka didn't want to talk about his past yet. He also told them that I told him about Charlie and he said he was happy that we were friends with him.

The Oompa Loompas carried out bags out to the doors we were about to go out from. Carlos even asked if we each get an Oompa Loompa to keep, but unfortunately, Mr. Wonka said no. We said our goodbyes to him and the guys and Gustavo shook hands with him and  my mom and Kelly hugged him and we all thanked him for everything.

When we walked out the doors and got into the car, Kendall asked the driver to make a stop at Charlie's house where we could say our goodbyes to the family. I wish it wasn't goodbye if we stayed a little longer, but I just didn't know we would see Charlie again just yet...
*Bucket house*

Charlie's POV
The day after visiting Mr. Wonka's factory, I was helping my parents fix up the roof after the Great Glass Elevator busted through. Inside the house, Grandpa Joe spent some of his time out of bed. until we heard a knock at the door. Mum went to open it. The Big Time Rush boys, Mrs. Knight and Katie were at the door and they entered in the house.

"Hey guys," Katie greeted us.

My family and I all greeted back at everyone.

"We're glad you all came by to see us before you head back home. Can I get you darlings anything before you have to go?" Mum asked.

"No thanks, Mrs. Bucket. We won't be staying for that long," Kendall said.

"Well, would you look at that. You guys fixed that hole on the roof," Logan looked up at the ceiling where the hole of the roof was at.

"Yeah, it was a lot of work to make it look perfect again," Mr. Bucket stated.

"And Grandpa Joe, you're not in bed anymore," Carlos pointed at Grandpa Joe.

"Well, I could still be in bed, but getting out of it once in a while often had been helping me," Grandpa Joe stated.

"Well, you're looking well, man," James complimented.

"Thank you," Grandpa Joe replied.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bucket, is it okay if I steal Charlie for a moment? We won't be long," Katie asked my parents.

"Of course, Katie. Take your time before you have to go," Dad said.

Me and Katie went up to my room to talk for a bit before she had to go. We sat next to each other on my bed.

"So, uh... How are you holding up since yesterday?" Charlie asked

"I'm doing better, but I'll be fine," Katie said.

"Hey Katie?" I said.

"Yes Charlie?" She said.

"I have something for you and the boys, so you all would remember me by," I told her.

"What's that?" She asked.

I reached into the pocket and it showed the golden ticket I kept with me the whole time during the tour of the factory.

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