32. Last Minute Rehearsals/Getting Ready For the Concert

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The next morning, Charlie woke up with excitement, because he couldn't believe that it was the day of his first BTR concert with the guys.

"Morning Charlie," Kendall and James said when they got up.

"Morning guys," Charlie greeted.

"So, today's the big day, pal!" Kendall said excitedly.

"It sure is. I actually can't believe it's really happening," Charlie said as he sat up on the edge of Kendall's bed.

"Tonight is gonna be insane!" James felt pumped up.

Then Carlos and Logan entered the room.

"Hey, there he is!" Carlos tackled Charlie into a hug and they fell off the edge of the bed.

"Ow! Carlos!" Charlie laughed.

Kendall, James and Logan also giggled a bit because of their friend being an idiot.

"Carlos, please be gentle with him," Kendall told the Latino.

Then Carlos and Charlie got themselves up while laughing too hard until they let out a sigh in exhaustion.

"You guys okay?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, we're fine," Charlie answered.

"So Charlie, you psyched about our show tonight?" Carlos asked.

"You know it! This is going to be amazing!" Charlie said.

Then Katie entered in.

"Hi Katie," Charlie greeted.

"Hey Charlie," Katie greeted back.

"So, today's the day," she giggled with excitement.

"Aw yeah," Charlie laughed a bit.

"My mom and Mr. Wonka invited your family and his father to the apartment as Gustavo and Kelly are on their way over to have breakfast with us," Katie told the five boys.

"Ok. We should get dressed," Kendall said.

Then the BTR boys and Charlie started to hustle up to get themselves dressed.
While waiting for the boys to show up, Mr. Wonka and Mr and Mrs. Bucket were helping Jennifer with the cooking and Katie, Gustavo and Kelly were keeping the grandparents and Dr. Wonka company at the table. Then the boy entered the room.

"Good morning everybody!" Charlie said.

They all said 'good morning' back.

"What are we having for breakfast, Mom?" Kendall asked his mother.

"Well, Willy gave an idea to make the breakfast special, you know since it's Charlie's first time performing at the concert tonight," Jennifer stated.

The boys took their seats at the table as Jennifer, Mr. Wonka and the Bucket parents helped serve the food and put some plates where they were passed around from one to another. Then everybody started eating off their plates and were having a conversation.

"So Charlie, are you excited about tonight?" Grandpa Joe questioned.

"Of course, Grandpa. I know you all are going to enjoy watching the concert," Charlie answered.

"Yeah. You guys are gonna be proud of Charlie when he gets to sing with us in the show," Kendall stated.

"And you boys better make sure you tell my grandson to get the mud off his pants," Grandpa George gave a reminder.

"Charlie doesn't have mud on his pants," Carlos said and then paused for a moment before he asked, "Wait. Or does he?"

"No Carlos. Surely, it's just an expression that means something," Logan told him.

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