34. The Day After the Concert/Leaving For the Tour & Going Home

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*the next morning*

It was the day after the concert as Charlie woke up, feeling happy. He noticed the room was quiet and found Kendall and James' beds empty, assuming they got up before him. So, he got up to get dressed and a few minutes later, he went into the dining room/kitchen area of the room where the guys and Katie were making breakfast as Mr. Wonka and Jennifer were sitting with Charlie's family and Dr. Wonka, having some coffee.

"Good morning everybody!" Charlie said.

"Morning Charlie!" everybody greeted.

"How'd you sleep, my boy?" Mr. Wonka asked.

"I slept great. Last night was the best night," Charlie answered.

"We're glad you had a great time with the boys last night, sweetheart," Jennifer smiled.

"So, what's for breakfast?" Charlie questioned.

"Just the usual like yesterday," Kendall said.

"Can I give you guys a hand with the food once it's done?" Charlie kindly asked.

"It's okay, Charlie. We can handle this," Logan told him.

"I don't mind. Really," Charlie insisted.

Then he went up to the boys and Katie as he helped them put food on plates and set them in front of everyone and then helped themselves and went to sit down. And everybody started eating.

"So Charlie, was it fun when you sang with the boys last night?" Grandpa Joe questioned his grandson.

"Definitely was, Grandpa. And I wish I could do it again even if I wanted to," Charlie said.

"It actually would be really cool if we asked you to do that with us again," Kendall stated.

"But I know that you have to leave for the tour starting tomorrow and I won't be able to see you boys as much," Charlie said.

"Yeah, but you know you can still call or video chat us if you can," James mentioned.

"I wish you could come with us," Carlos said.

"I know, but you know that I can't because my family and Mr. Wonka both need me," Charlie told him.

"But at least we still have the day off today, so we could do fun stuff before we leave tomorrow," Logan stated.

"Yeah, and I thought after breakfast, we could do something together. You know, just you and me," Katie made a recommendation to Charlie.

"That's actually what I was going to ask you, Katie. So, that would be great," he told her.

And the conversation went on until breakfast was over.

And then, Charlie, Katie and the boys were going to help each other clean up, but the parents stopped them.

"Don't worry kids. We'll take it from here," Jennifer said.

"You guys sure?" Kendall asked.

"Of course, darlings. Go on and have some fun," Mrs. Bucket said.

And Charlie, Katie and the boys went to make plans.
*Charlie and Katie*

Katie asked Charlie if he wanted to go into town with her, which he agreed to that idea because he never saw much of it anyway. The BTR guys already made plans with their girlfriends, so it was just the two tweens. Before he was about to leave, Charlie grabbed the box with the necklace inside and put it in his pocket and then he went to catch up with Katie.

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