2. Leaving For the Trip/BTR meets Willy Wonka

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*4 months later*

The boys had finished up their packing the last minute when they got a flight early that morning. They were leaving the day before they had to meet Willy Wonka. Kendall and Katie's mom, Jennifer checked to make sure that everyone had got what they needed as Gustavo and Kelly were doing the same and they bought plane tickets for the Knights, James, Carlos, Logan and themselves.

In secret before they left, the boys told Kendall, Logan and James' girlfriends, Jo, Camille and Lucy about teaming up with Mr. Wonka. The girls were excited for the guys but they told them not to tell a soul until Wonka had gotten the word out to everyone.

The boys gathered up their bags the last minute before they left the apartment.

"Well, this is it," Kendall said. "You guys ready?"

"YES!" The other boys said with excitement.

Then Katie entered the room with her bag.

"Hey guys," Katie said

"You all set, baby sister?" Kendall asked her.

"Yep," she replied. "Even though, Mom has been a little far behind."

That was when Jennifer came in next, but she was out of breath because she was stressed out about all the packing she had to get done with her bags.

"Whoa Mom," Kendall said. "Are you okay?"

Then Jennifer got her breath back.

"Yeah, I'm good," she said. "I'm all ready."

"Okay. Our flight leaves in 2 and a half hours and Gustavo and Kelly will arrive in 10 minutes in a limousine," Logan informed.

The boys, Katie and Jennifer recently got their plane tickets and passports out and ready.

10 minutes later, Kelly texted the guys and said that she and Gustavo were waiting for them out in the front and everybody needed to bring their winter coats and stuff. The guys were all confused as well as Katie and Jennifer because they all weren't sure why, but they went with the flow and grabbed their winter stuff anyway.

"Okay. Is everybody ready?" Jennifer asked.

They all said "yes" and they grabbed their luggage headed out the door.

When they got to the limo, Gustavo was going over the rules with the guys when they were about to meet Mr. Wonka. He said if they screwed this up, he would kill them. The guys understood clearly. Plus, Gustavo could be scary whenever he was angry about something.

"Oh man! This is gonna be awesome!" Carlos chirped happily.

"Yeah! I can't believe we're about to meet the best candy man ever!" Logan said. "That guy was a legend and he wanted us to help him open back up his factory."

"These days are gonna be the best days ever," James said.

"Now remember guys: we stick together and help Mr. Wonka with everything we can. He has a lot of his work he's done so much on. So let's not get into any trouble or break anything valuable," Kendall reminded the three guys.

"Agreed," they said.

The rest of the drive went fine until everybody reached the airport.
*17 hours later*

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