10. Violet Beauregarde & Mike Teavee

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*a couple days later*

Katie's POV
I was walking in town with the guys and I spotted Charlie digging something out of the garbage can. He had a newspaper in his hand.

"Charlie!" I called and waved to him.

"Hi Katie!" He waved at me and then came up to me for a hug.

"Hi guys!" Charlie greeted the boys.

They said hi back.

"Whatcha got there, bud?" James asked as he pointed at the newspaper.

"The front page on the newspaper, it said someone found the third ticket," Charlie explained.

"Really?" Kendall questioned.

Charlie handed the newspaper to us and we looked at the front cover with a blonde haired girl in a karate uniform holding the third golden ticket in her hands. Her name was Violet Beauregarde, and she was from Atlanta, Georgia.

"I better get home and tell my family about this," Charlie told us.

"Can we come with?" Carlos asked.

"Of course!" He happily replied.

"Let's go!" Logan said as we headed to Charlie's house.
*Buckets House*

A few minutes later, we arrived and stepped inside.

"Hey guys!" I greeted the family.

They all said hello to me and the guys.

"You all are not gonna believe this, but we discovered that someone found the third ticket," Kendall said while Charlie shut the door behind him.

"Alright, let's see who found it," Grandpa Joe said.

Charlie handed his dad the newspaper as we took off our coats.

"The third ticket was found by Miss Violet Beauregarde," Mr. Bucket read out loud.

I sat next to Charlie by the table, holding his hand underneath while my brother sat next to me and James, Carlos and Logan took two of each sides of the railings of Charlie's grandparents' bed. We were gathered around as Mrs. Bucket turned on the TV.
Author's POV
The TV was showing the news about Violet Beauregarde with her golden ticket.

"These are some of the 263 trophies and medals my Violet has won," Mrs. Beauregarde started off.

"I'm a gum chewer mostly. But when I heard about these ticket things, I lay off the gum, switched to candy bars," Violet said.

"She's just a driven young woman. I don't know where she gets it," Mrs. Beauregarde said.

Violet looked away for a couple seconds before facing back at the camera.

"I'm a junior world champion gum chewer," Violet continued. "This piece of gum I'm chewing on this moment, I've been working on 3 months solid. That's a record."

"Of course, I have my share of trophies. Mostly baton," Mrs. Beauregarde mentioned as she was pointing at her baton.

"So this kid's gotta get this special prize, better than all the rest? I don't care about who these other four are. That kid, it's gonna be me!" Violet said in a sassy comeback.

"Tell them why, Violet," Mrs. Beauregarde said.

"Because I'm a winner!" Violet said in a harsh tone.

"Her? A winner? Yeah right," Katie disbelieved what she was hearing.

"What a beastly girl!" Grandma Josephine said.

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